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Sep 26 2013, 2:19 AM (597 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

markRev added a comment to T74189: Emotionless, fearless & almost immortal AI....

BIS, just look at TPW FALL mod, goddamit! xD It is a gamechanger for me

May 10 2016, 7:06 AM · Arma 3
markRev added a comment to T74189: Emotionless, fearless & almost immortal AI....

@joostSidy: check this video I posted above: It's not extreme so everyone can watch it without worries. There are even more videos, I don't wanna link not because of graphic violence (they are all fine with soldiers just receiveng scratches from ricochets) it's just I don't wanna spam in this conversation.

Point is: You can find soldiers that fall down on the ground just from ricochets, scratches, I remember this soldier being hit on the helmet just by a shard, he is lying down on the ground loosing NO BLOOD but watching the medic like "who am I? Where am I?".

Soldiers are trained, but they are still f* humans.

May 10 2016, 7:06 AM · Arma 3
markRev added a comment to T74189: Emotionless, fearless & almost immortal AI....

This is crap... Ok, some things like the new first aid kit system is really a step backward since what we got with Arma 2, but that is nothing compared to THIS. I'm a BIS fan since OPF demo but I can't play to Arma 3 for this stated reason. WITH EXTENDED ARMOR OFF, enemy soldiers won't die with at least 2 hits, 3 on average, even from 3 meters AWAY. This is ** unacceptable, since it's not like "you hit them, they are at least incapacitated", nope, they still combat like, as OP well said a T1000. Please BIS fix this.

Btw, in the video below there's a soldier hit by a small rock shrapnel... Jesus, he's bleeding and he can't continue to fight, for sure. In Arma 3 right now soldiers can take DIRECT BULLETS in the face without getting a scratch.

May 10 2016, 7:06 AM · Arma 3
markRev edited Steps To Reproduce on T73299: Sometimes firing AT/AA missiles forces player to switch weapon, leaving you like a sitting duck..
May 10 2016, 6:37 AM · Arma 3
markRev added a comment to T63607: Jump/Jumping command.

Are you guys blind? Has everybody failed to see that YOU CAN'T AIM/SHOOT while vaulting obstacles with ShackTac mod?

May 10 2016, 12:48 AM · Arma 3