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- User Since
- Mar 17 2013, 2:52 AM (627 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Still getting this. The minigun on the KA-60 sounds as if it's actually firing in the cockpit next to you. The fact it has reverb only makes matters worse. Having to turn my headphones down whenever I intend to fire, as it's near deafening.
Hope you're still working on this, Nord!
May 9 2016
I had this bug playing the scenario "Escape from Hell". Couldn't see a damned thing without NVG. As we approached a town, we cold see the lights on through our night vision, but not when we took them off (which really makes no sense, as the lights should surely be easier to see), and lighting seemed to be fixed on certain points. Ie, outside of the direct beam of a light, no further light was diffused into the environment.
Doesn't happen all of the time, but it definitely happens.
What could solve the issue (as well as wider dispersion and huge ROF increase) is a small amount of splash damage per shot? The video that Mestari shows has each shot causing huge dust clouds with shrapnel flying all over. A stream of bullets impacting 1-3m away would likely still cause injury to infantry, I'd wager. In the very least it would make the gun less reliant on pinpoint accuracy, which you frankly cannot get when trying to point a helicopter at an infantryman a few hundred meters away.