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- User Since
- Nov 21 2020, 8:55 PM (226 w, 6 d)
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In T155184#2143721, @hegysk wrote:First of all - HNY to all of you guys.
Just wanted to know if there is something new up with this ticket. I absolutely feel ppl hopped on DayZ train and I love it. What I really don't love is - it pretty much killed playing experience on Official and I am afraid ppl will again pass on the game due to this.
More factual feedback - official servers are choking hard when 55+ players, around 50 is playable-ish but above that it really shuts down most gameplay possibilities. Zedz are mostly stuck, players are rubberbanding and getting kicked. Every client-server interaction is delayed by second(s). Basically the same issue as before hotfix but the treshold moved a tad up (with player count). I love full official servers but I am afraid it will just fall off in a week or two in this state and you can't blame anyone.
I also believe this fix helped a lot community driven servers where I believe they got much more hardware performance headroom but for official it's still very bad in prime. Also, we might be a minority playing on officials, however it's most likely newcommers will start (maybe also end right away) with official and first impression should be very importnant.
Hope you guys had a nice time off and good luck with optimization of DayZ :)
PS: any word back from you guys is welcome it really helps keep our hope up :)