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- User Since
- Apr 12 2013, 8:21 PM (621 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65568: Cant spawn KA-60 in mission designer.
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65541: Can not move binoculars directly to slot..
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65540: Can not remove night vision from vehicle inventory.
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65538: Helicopter glass does not appear broken from inside..
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65508: Loading Tracer rounds into normal magazines.
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65481: High pings on all servers despite good internet.
majorpluskat edited Steps To Reproduce on T65480: People fly after Heli.
majorpluskat added a comment to T64101: Game crash during mission download.
I get this as well sometimes, the MP does crashes while receiving data
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
majorpluskat added a comment to T60349: ability to change kilometers per hour to Miles per hour.
If some people are more comfortable with imperial then so be it, if you want to be completely immersed in the game then keep it on metric. You shouldn't make people have the graphics settings on max because then it is most realistic should you.
I personally prefer metric as I am from England and it is more realistic but let people use what they are most comfortable with.