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- User Since
- Mar 15 2015, 7:30 PM (517 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
lieutenantlz edited Steps To Reproduce on T81541: New marksmen DLC carrier rigs cover up squad XML logo.
lieutenantlz added a comment to T81540: Fatigue is ruining some aspects of gameplay (add disable fatigue button).
I'm assuming you have to put that line of code into the init field in the editor. What I was asking for was a simple button outside of the editor to disable it for any mission without any editing being required.
lieutenantlz edited Steps To Reproduce on T81540: Fatigue is ruining some aspects of gameplay (add disable fatigue button).
lieutenantlz added a comment to T81537: Crew should be ejected from carried uncovered vehicle after 2 ropes are gone.
Yeah this makes sense. Adds to the realism. unless there are seat belts which there are definitely not seat belts on the boat...