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- User Since
- Aug 4 2017, 5:06 PM (396 w, 5 d)
Dec 10 2018
Aug 5 2017
lol instead of buying Ryzen buy ram
but, no trolling, try to add more ram and if it continues, reinstall the game
For me it only took few seconds, i have GTX770, 12 Gb RAM and AMD FX-6100 so maybe you have a hardware/driver problems
Same thing, what's your pc specs ?
You put the severity on 'Major' but it is not
Wrong category too
You're playing experimental/unstable version
"after sticking with you guys for the last 4 years i'm finally losing my patience..." SO ? Don't play on experimental if you don't like bugs, what's your problem dude
You are serious or what ?
Nobodies got that bug so it's indeed a problem of your connection
You doesn't thinked about Battleeye, doesn't thinked about your connection, doesn't thinked about your port forwarding
What the hell is going on, why doing a ticket for god sake, they can't do anything here
In all case if nothing works, reinstall completely a fresh windows on your computer and try again