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- User Since
- Jul 17 2014, 9:11 PM (555 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
i have same problem. Mags are non-existent, so chambering a round allows you to at least take out one z before you die...
I just tried another 5 random public hive regular non experimental servers. One of them had items! I loged out and in again, and char persisted. Got really excited, so went to a different server, back to a reset char and no loot anywhere. Cant remember the one server in about 40 I have tried which worked. I notice that about half the servers I try say something like "you char could not be loaded from the server and is being reset", but the message goes very quickly. Is NO ONE ELSE getting this?
I just tried again with todays updated client. i tried 10 regular public servers with players on them. I tried a mix of french, spanish and UK servers, from different hosts. All of them had the same problem - char always reset, no items anywhere.
This is a HUGE issue.
On the last server I tried, I noticed it said something like "your character could not be loaded and is being reset" or similar in red at the bottom.
The game is totally unusable for me since 48 release, and no fix, or acknowledgement of the issue even. I have ment plenty of people in game with exactly the same problem. for me its all servers.
This is not the issue - I know the different Hives. I have a char on the hard core non experimental hive, and a char on the regular not experimental, and a few chars on private hives.
The issue is I can log into any public regular hive, and NEVER see a single item, and the char never saves.
I can log into any of my list of fav servers on teh same hive, and always get a new char every time.
I am an expert at this game - this is a major bug, not a user error.
Of the 20 or so public hard core servers I tried multiple times over the last 3 days, one only has loot and saves my char. The others have no items (not one), and always re-spawn the char. Half of these give a message like "could not load character from server, recommend disconnect now to avoid overwriting your char" or similar. Mostly, a message flashes up then goes before you can read it. The servers are all European - tried French, German, UK etc. All NON experimental, public hive, hard core. (regular doesn't work either - no items, always respawns char, even on same server)
I have tried over 20 servers - all my favourites and a few random ones, not a single item of loot. Every room bare. Not even a book or a rotten kiwi. This is not an isolated insident - this is a permanent problem for people who have it.
So far, evey person I met in game has the same issue. They just server hop in hope of finding a non-broken server, but they are all like it. It could be a problem with the client, not server, but its unplayable. Also, characters NEVER save, even if you logout/in on the same server.
I have the same issue, tried 5 servers, hardcore and regular, searched for hours, not seen a single item, not even a rotten fruit. The game is completely devoid of loot or any items. Its totaly broken. I guess Ill just stop playing until they fix it. Pretty major bug - how did they not notice there are no items when testing?
May 10 2016
you guys are lucky. Since the update, I cannot find a single item of any sort in any house in any town. nothing. No clothes, no rotten food, no nothing. Even in houses with closed doors in the middle of nohwere, and even in unlooted police stations - not a single item. Tried about 30 servers now, all the same.
And my char was lost, and char gets re created from scratch every time I logout/in, even on the same server I have been using for the last 2 months without issue. .48 has killed the game completely for me.
Changing the UI resolution to native (was on 480x640) and changing the aspect ration from 4:3 to 16:10 has fixed all the issues. I would never have guessed that UI settings be the place to fix game resolution issues. Also, why were the settings so wrong in the first place? Why cant DayZ recognize the monitors resolution and aspect ratio? I am guessing this happened when I hit "default Setting" which I did shorlty after buying the game. All my Dayz friends have exactly the same issue - appalling unplayable graphics which was driving them crazy. I have shared this work around, and now they are happy. You really need to fix this.
I have had this 100% of the time for the last 2 days. Lots my excellent Hardcore and Regular chars. Now EVERY time I logout/login to any public hive server, always get that message, and always a fresh spawn char. Except once. but now its back to respawning. I have never had this before .48, but since .48, I only get this. The game is going in the bin - 2 days of this, with no acknowledgement, no help, just death, hundreds of times. Oh, and no server has any items at all.