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User Since
Dec 18 2013, 8:18 AM (585 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

kitno set Category to category:structures on T89939: Glitching into buildings..
May 10 2016, 5:15 PM · DayZ
kitno set Category to category:structures on T89937: Loot not available in certain structures..
May 10 2016, 5:15 PM · DayZ
kitno added a comment to T89714: When dropping loot it sometimes disapears forever.

The problem being and that I have spent a time looking into is the loot isnt actually dissapearing. It is there just say you drop it in a building it falls to the earth under the building. So forth for safe measures drop loot outside on dirt.


May 10 2016, 5:07 PM · DayZ
kitno added a comment to T87588: Houses outside of city's seem to have less or no loot..

Yes agreed. Many many beanies and moto helmuts but no real loot. Like some random food mebbie a weapon or tool?


May 10 2016, 3:44 PM · DayZ
kitno added a comment to T87554: Wearing very ruined black tshirt makes your torso invisible.

This isnt just the black item seems to be all ruined shirts make your torso invisible. And not sure if it was related but backpack was invis to. Took shirt off backpack dissapeared.


May 10 2016, 3:42 PM · DayZ
kitno added a comment to T87224: Floating items.

Ok I have a couple of items and locations that they seem to do this.

Kiwifruit that spawns in barracks.
Shovels that spawn in military buildings.

Anywhere outside seems to be spawning things in wierd locations in air. Sunken into ground. and sometimes just sticking out of walls. I dont think this is a major issue but a down the track problem to be looked into.


May 10 2016, 3:28 PM · DayZ