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- User Since
- Aug 24 2013, 9:42 AM (602 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
kevingpgmailcom edited Steps To Reproduce on T75857: Display driver stopped responding.
kevingpgmailcom edited Steps To Reproduce on T71612: footfall sound continues when stopped.
kevingpgmailcom added a comment to T71393: Steam Workshop does not load scenarios.
A week ago I had this issue come back as well. Changing my download server in Steam fixed the problem. I've updated and I'm still problem free.
kevingpgmailcom added a comment to T71393: Steam Workshop does not load scenarios.
After a Steam update today I cannot repeat the issue. All of the previous scenarios downloaded as I went to reproduce. I can still send the RPT from my attempt but it seems to be fixed now. Again, I didn't notice an Arma update but Steam updated just before I restarted it so I could start it with the logs parameter.
kevingpgmailcom added a comment to T71393: Steam Workshop does not load scenarios.
I am experiencing this same issue but it gets stuck at 40%. I am not running the dev build.