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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 9:29 PM (586 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
kefetor added a comment to T92526: Firemans Axe hits sideways not forwards if attacking in "weapon raised" position.
kefetor added a comment to T92244: BattleEye Kicking Problems.
Anyone having this problem? I am talking with the battle eye support right now.
kefetor edited Steps To Reproduce on T92244: BattleEye Kicking Problems.
kefetor added a comment to T90723: Thirst and hunger mixed up?.
@Jamie Thompson if i had to make an example.
full of food limit is 5000 (EXAMPLE)
yellow hunger graphic is shows in 4000 or something.
it makes me paranoid all the time.
kefetor edited Steps To Reproduce on T90723: Thirst and hunger mixed up?.
kefetor edited Steps To Reproduce on T90031: Cant spawn after dead.