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- User Since
- Jun 26 2024, 9:38 AM (36 w, 2 d)
Jul 2 2024
I had the same issue.
When throwing a hand grenade, even if you see it going away after the throwing animation. You can sometimes get killed by explosion like the grenade is blowing in your own hand.
It's like there is synchonisation/validation issue ( or what ever) on the server side notvalidating the throw and keep the last position of the granade in your hand.
Jul 1 2024
Jun 26 2024
I have the same problem. An entiere squad wipe out, all dead and have their dead body despawn of the area but the living quarter was still 100%.
The other problem is there non way to retrieve lost AI. If a player take a AI squad with him but had to disconect before retrieve the squad to the camp it's impossible to retrieve them because they are not visible on the map to planish a find and rescue mission.