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- User Since
- Jul 14 2014, 3:06 PM (556 w, 14 h)
May 10 2016
JStewart, i get back to the 046 versión because it have less bugs, obiously, but with 046 it hadn't happened to me again, this happened with 047 on regular servers and i realized that you have to be patient, waiting after a couple of minutes allways start the game,the please wait screen sometimes takes a Long while sometimes takes a short while so... Just wait.
otherwise i would like to tell you, if you want, that the worst part of 0.47 is the ramdom freezes, zombies still walking through walls and allways through closing doors, melee weapons are not effective than before on 046, hard to hit zombies, zombies hits you with 3 meters of distance from you,zombies havent realistic animation inside houses, objects desappears ramdomly when you drop it from your inventory, i have reported all this bugs, and i would like you to take a look.
Thank you so much and sorry for my bad English.
Put this on game please! i hate that guys, in a real zombie invasion, the people wont kill without a reason because the real enemy is the zombie.