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- User Since
- Feb 20 2015, 1:57 AM (523 w, 21 h)
May 11 2016
i found a solution need to close my razer synapse but i cant understand why i have to do it every time its annoying...
i have purchase dayz at 2nd or 3rd week of february
i have played about 250hours without problem but now cant lunch it.
i have a lot of games on steam and no such problem ever appear or i had
May 10 2016
problem solved.
Restart your steam and make the update of dayZ its about 1.4mb
after that run the game and everything its ok!
how long need to wait for a solution or a message from any admin.. a day pass...
i have the same problem today i was playing dayz in the afternoon i close it for a while to do some other stuff on my pc and when i came back to play again after 2-3hours i open dayz but i was unable to find any servers my internet connection and my filter settings are ok i never change them but i tried the 999 max ping just for curiosity.
i restart steam, i restart many times dayz, i verify integridy cache, i re-install the game, i reboot my pc and my router but nothing change :/
my steam is updated game too.
(i didnt install or make any updates on my pc also i check my firewall too,
i cant either join a friend's game or to add the ip adress via remote says: wait for host for an eternity)