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servers not found on DayZ
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i was playing dayz yesterday in the afternoon i close it for a while to do some other stuff on my pc and when i came back to play again after 2-3hours i open dayz but i was unable to find any servers my internet connection and my filter settings are ok i never change them but i tried the 999 max ping just for curiosity.
i restart steam, i restart many times dayz, i verify integridy cache, i re-install the game, i reboot my pc and my router but nothing change :/
my steam is updated, my game too.
(i didnt install or make any updates on my pc also i check my firewall too,
i cant either join a friend's game or to add the ip adress via remote it says: wait for host... for an eternity)


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Unable To Reproduce

Event Timeline

jimiss set Category to Server.Feb 20 2015, 2:23 PM
jimiss set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
jimiss set Severity to None.
jimiss set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
jimiss set Legacy ID to 1532759813.May 8 2016, 9:33 PM

Hello jimiss,

Sorry to hear about your trouble.

In this case I would recommend that you have a look at the following forum post "" or contact BattlEye's support directly: [email protected]
