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- User Since
- Sep 27 2014, 12:52 AM (542 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
irjayjay edited Steps To Reproduce on T104712: Cannot connect to servers after receiving "No Message Received" error.
irjayjay added a comment to T103864: Game is unrealisitic - nobody in real life dies of hunger or thirst in a few hours.
haha, you just made my day!
I've never played the ArmaII DayZ, so I have no idea what it's supposed to be like.
I agree with all your points.
I get that we need to get hungry quicker, but this is ridiculous. I'll never have PvP because there's too much PvE. On all the servers I've been on, people are in a rush to find loot and don't bother killing each other, there's no time.
irjayjay edited Steps To Reproduce on T103864: Game is unrealisitic - nobody in real life dies of hunger or thirst in a few hours.
irjayjay added a comment to T103861: Spawning without your backpack, pants, shoes and vest.
Same here, and I've walked around twice where I've seen pants, shoes, shirt flashlight and battery lying together as if a new player dropped them all in one place.