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- User Since
- Dec 21 2013, 4:07 PM (585 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
hydrochetta edited Steps To Reproduce on T109689: Items do not spawn anywhere but M4s and many other items can be found in outhouses... LOOT IS BROKEN.
hydrochetta added a comment to T109666: The Desync grows the longer I play on a server.
Try opening UDP ports 2302-2305, the game sends large data packets after extended periods of time and your firewall will naturally hold the data and process it, by opening these ports it should relieve desync issues a little, if not completely.
hydrochetta edited Steps To Reproduce on T109663: Prison loot missing completely?.
hydrochetta edited Additional Information on T109515: Miltary Tent despawned after hours of searching.
hydrochetta edited Steps To Reproduce on T109143: Changing weapons causes player to stand still allowing zombies to attack or be fired upon..