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- User Since
- Oct 30 2014, 1:34 AM (539 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
guniu added a comment to T82271: Deploying on slopes and going to map causes player to be stuck in tilted view.
This bug is still present in 1.50, along with #0023721
guniu added a comment to T82271: Deploying on slopes and going to map causes player to be stuck in tilted view.
Similar to: #0023721
guniu added a comment to T82088: Player model gets tilted after specific weapon deployment scenario.
Fixed in 1.52
guniu added a comment to T82088: Player model gets tilted after specific weapon deployment scenario.
Also very similar bug: #0023904
guniu added a comment to T82088: Player model gets tilted after specific weapon deployment scenario.
I can't seem to reproduce it with "W". Always resets to a proper stance.
guniu edited Steps To Reproduce on T82088: Player model gets tilted after specific weapon deployment scenario.
guniu edited Steps To Reproduce on T79781: Helicopter Cyclic left/right mouse controls affect parachute steering..