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- User Since
- Dec 20 2014, 3:05 PM (527 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
grgelolwut set Category to category:items on T113685: Military loot explosion in officer's tent..
grgelolwut added a comment to T111771: Black hole inventory and vest stacking..
Oddly enough I've had a similiar situation where I was unable to holster a weapon with space and previously submitted it as an error. I was only able to drop the item after relogging and it proved to be a method of duping. You can check that post as well for more information.
Regarding this post: The weapon could have reappeared on the ground once I swapped the backpacks but I was too far from the original point of change from where it happened. I traveled a good distance before noticing the ability to equip the weapon/it vanished.
grgelolwut edited Steps To Reproduce on T111771: Black hole inventory and vest stacking..
grgelolwut set Category to category:inventory on T111742: Unable to equip primary weapon/weapon duplication..
grgelolwut set Category to category:inventory on T111717: Double backpack..
grgelolwut set Category to category:characters on T106488: entering a V3S with dual primaries causes the weapon in your hands to vanish..