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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:29 AM (625 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
edfathead added a comment to T82350: animals (agents) invisible (only shadow).
Yes I have Invisible Sheep & Goats also. Oddly enough though It turns out to be the "CBA" mod for me. If that is not running they are fine.
Tested with placed module in editor & Zeus in game. Same results either way.
edfathead added a comment to T78834: Friendly AI getting stuck in a permanent reloading cycle.
Also similar & possibly related is AI switching between Launcher & Rifle, back & forth, back & forth.
edfathead added a comment to T75352: Immobilized in water with wetsuit and certain weapons.
This is still an issue (at least for me it is) I find disembarking from a boat with no rifle you become stuck. Can reproduce in virtual Reality map with one Nato Diver & one Empty boat. Drop rifle swim out embark, then disembark.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
edfathead edited Steps To Reproduce on T60243: Sound Partial drops out..