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User Details
- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 5:02 PM (587 w, 2 d)
Jun 16 2018
Jun 16 2018
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
dromag67 added a comment to T115204: Character decided to exit car by itself at 70kph.
This happened to me as well when we came within 100m +/- of another vehicle.
dromag67 set Category to category:other on T114989: V3S BUGLIST.
dromag67 added a comment to T114287: V3S needs a cabin heating function - the heaters are already there on the model!.
Or at least protect the players from the elements while enclosed in the vehicle.
dromag67 added a comment to T114283: Crossbow too big for tents/barrels.
Nice catch! Certainly can't be intended.
dromag67 added a comment to T114252: white visual glitch in many scopes.
I do not believe sun glare off the scope is a glitch.
dromag67 added a comment to T113567: Advanced Fireplaces and Ovens despawning on server restart.
FYI The ovens were persisting before the latest hotfix but not after.
dromag67 set Category to category:general on T113567: Advanced Fireplaces and Ovens despawning on server restart.
dromag67 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107363: Item/Character Duplication bug.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
dromag67 edited Steps To Reproduce on T98214: !!!!!!!EXPLOIT!!!!!!!----- Unlimited Food/Bloodbag/Salinebag.
dromag67 edited Steps To Reproduce on T91560: MAGAZINE DUPING WITH PROTECTIVE CASES..
dromag67 added a comment to T86431: Weapon attachments become invisible..
Confirmed for me as well, certain angles in 3rd person and starts screen.