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- User Since
- Dec 30 2013, 8:01 AM (584 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
cryptfilter added a comment to T91653: sniping in prone hits dirt.
I only play in first person, I haven't tried to shoot in third person.
cryptfilter added a comment to T91653: sniping in prone hits dirt.
also tried this with a bipod attached and extended, still hit dirt in prone facing down a hill
cryptfilter added a comment to T91653: sniping in prone hits dirt.
win8 isn't my problem. I got win8 cause bf4 says works best with win8, problem is bf4 doesn't work best with anything, I totally got suckered into buying bf4, as I played the beta, only the beta worked much better than released bf4.
also win7 home allows only 16g of ram, I had to either upgrade or get win8 as I have 32gig of ram. but win8 has loads of problems aswell but that's to do with hardware not ingame issues. there is a problem with the ballistic vector path in prone mode.
cryptfilter edited Steps To Reproduce on T91653: sniping in prone hits dirt.
cryptfilter edited Steps To Reproduce on T91135: blurred vision - not returning to normal / unknown cause.