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- User Since
- Oct 24 2015, 6:54 PM (463 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
crazyparker9 added a comment to T84696: When I play any Battleye equipped game as long as I have Battleye enabled when I try to move in-game it freezes..
Oh well that isn't the problem then... Am I the first person to be having this issue?!
crazyparker9 added a comment to T84696: When I play any Battleye equipped game as long as I have Battleye enabled when I try to move in-game it freezes..
Seems like Battleye would care to fix crap like this.
crazyparker9 added a comment to T84696: When I play any Battleye equipped game as long as I have Battleye enabled when I try to move in-game it freezes..
Does no one have any other suggestions?
crazyparker9 added a comment to T84696: When I play any Battleye equipped game as long as I have Battleye enabled when I try to move in-game it freezes..
I have lots of programs on my PC it would be impossible to go through each one comparing them to Arma3/2/DayZ controls...
crazyparker9 set Category to category:battleye on T84696: When I play any Battleye equipped game as long as I have Battleye enabled when I try to move in-game it freezes..