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User Since
Oct 2 2015, 5:44 AM (491 w, 8 h)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84607: 0xC0000135 - STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND.
May 10 2016, 12:11 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84386: Still crashing even after server updates, 4-13min of play though.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84386: Still crashing even after server updates, 4-13min of play though.,ub53gm65yz1hux3,dl1ryp3kph31wvu,qo33oquy1pgjy2b,2riccy48r4m2ju9,82dh7hb3fm116hl/shared

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84386: Still crashing even after server updates, 4-13min of play though.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign set Category to category:gamecrash on T84386: Still crashing even after server updates, 4-13min of play though.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

hi, adam, any word about te special exe that might help the game function for me?

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

unable to play since 10-01-15 1.52 update*

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

i also just reformatted my pc and re-downloaded all of arma, and steam and everything needed, accidently in the attachted files i turned on maxrem and maxmem i am going to reproduce and post the new files

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

more reports and errors, running on lowest settings, no maxrem or maxmem
hopefully you guys can pin point whats wrong, servers almost fully scripted and im still unable to play on any server since 09/01/15 1.52 update

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

after digging through my script rpts and realizing what was going on i finally found it. i would just appreciate after waiting weeks for a reply you can atleast send me that file so i can make my ~$80 arma 3 function able again

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

any word on the registry file?

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

hello!? my registry file was deleted by an admin of
an owner and licensee with bohemia, the removed my registry after using i.p for donator perks with their server. i need a registry file. IT WAS DELETED SAME DAY AS 10/1/15 update which was same day i also recieved donator perks with asylum-gaming community. please send me a registery file or upload one

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

apparently now the error reports will not save.

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker ( Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster.


Process exit

Exit code: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Running time: 00:11:29.8824590


System information

Date: 2015-10-02 19:59:07 / 2015-10-02 15:59:07 -04
Current dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3launcher.exe"
CLR version: 4.0.30319.34209
OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
OS 64 bit: True
Process 64 bit: False
Culture: en-US
UI Culture: en-US


Last game report

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" "-mod="

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11
Exe timestamp: 2015/09/29 17:25:45
Current time: 2015/10/02 15:42:22

Type: Public
Branch: Stable
Version: 1.52.132676

Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

15:42:22 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/
15:42:22 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/
15:42:22 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/
15:42:22 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/
15:42:22 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/
15:42:22 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/
15:42:22 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/
15:42:23 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/
15:42:23 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/
15:42:23 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/
15:42:23 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
15:42:23 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/
15:42:23 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/
15:42:23 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/
15:42:23 Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/
15:42:23 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/
15:42:23 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/
15:42:25 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min.
15:42:25 Initializing Steam Manager
15:42:25 Starting initial content check.
15:42:25 Steam Manager initialized.
15:42:25 ==== Loaded addons ====
15:42:25 dta\bin.pbo - unknown
15:42:25 dta\core.pbo - 84186
15:42:25 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 86935
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\anims_f_mark.ebo - 83739
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\characters_f_mark.ebo - 85641
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\data_f_mark.ebo - 84958
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.ebo - 81923
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.ebo - 81923
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\functions_f_mark.ebo - 87002
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\functions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 87002
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mark.ebo - 72782
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\languagemissions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\language_f_mark.ebo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.ebo - 85177
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark.ebo - 86807
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_data.ebo - 83115
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mark_video.ebo - 81429
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86837
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\missions_f_mp_mark_data.ebo - 81558
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\modules_f_mark.ebo - 81710
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\modules_f_mp_mark.ebo - 87140
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\music_f_mark.ebo - 81958
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\music_f_mark_music.ebo - 81930
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\sounds_f_mark.ebo - 83408
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\static_f_mark.ebo - 84104
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\structures_f_mark.ebo - 85075
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\supplies_f_mark.ebo - 79552
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\ui_f_mark.ebo - 84397
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.ebo - 86988
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark\addons\weapons_f_mark.ebo - 86999
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\air_f_heli.pbo - 86967
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\anims_f_heli.pbo - 80475
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 82564
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 84953
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 80757
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\dubbing_f_heli.pbo - 75138
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\functions_f_heli.pbo - 84398
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli.pbo - 86336
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 75977
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 75065
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\modules_f_heli.pbo - 84211
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\music_f_heli.pbo - 76012
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 76012
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\soft_f_heli.pbo - 82564
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\sounds_f_heli.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\structures_f_heli.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 84559
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 76986
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\anims_f_kart.pbo - 80475
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\characters_f_kart.pbo - 85651
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\data_f_kart.pbo - 84958
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\language_f_kart.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\missions_f_kart.pbo - 86327
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 75687
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\modules_f_kart.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 74588
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 85476
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\sounds_f_kart.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\structures_f_kart.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart\addons\weapons_f_kart.pbo - 83573
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\data_f_curator.pbo - 84958
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\functions_f_curator.pbo - 86837
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\missions_f_curator.pbo - 86674
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
15:42:25 addons\air_f.pbo - 86838
15:42:25 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 86965
15:42:25 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 86810
15:42:25 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 86988
15:42:25 addons\animals_f.pbo - 86114
15:42:25 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 86442
15:42:25 addons\anims_f.pbo - 86793
15:42:25 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 72362
15:42:25 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 85891
15:42:25 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 78608
15:42:25 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 72362
15:42:25 addons\armor_f.pbo - 82564
15:42:25 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 86856
15:42:25 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 86110
15:42:25 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 86840
15:42:25 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 86121
15:42:25 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\boat_f.pbo - 86857
15:42:25 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 83805
15:42:25 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 82564
15:42:25 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 85687
15:42:25 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 86243
15:42:25 addons\characters_f.pbo - 86837
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 86837
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 83523
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 85686
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 84064
15:42:25 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 85675
15:42:25 addons\data_f.pbo - 86909
15:42:25 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76960
15:42:25 addons\data_f_exp_b.pbo - 86189
15:42:25 addons\drones_f.pbo - 86861
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 76110
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 87001
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 86797
15:42:25 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data.pbo - 78762
15:42:25 addons\editor_f.pbo - 82563
15:42:25 addons\functions_f.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86767
15:42:25 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 84402
15:42:25 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 84400
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 46919
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 65850
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 86841
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 51076
15:42:25 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 46919
15:42:25 addons\language_f.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 86792
15:42:25 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86648
15:42:25 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 86651
15:42:25 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 86295
15:42:25 addons\map_altis.pbo - 85518
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 80737
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 79087
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 79087
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 79087
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 79087
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 79087
15:42:25 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\map_data.pbo - 81846
15:42:25 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 85518
15:42:25 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 80737
15:42:25 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 79082
15:42:25 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\map_vr.pbo - 82252
15:42:25 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 82252
15:42:25 addons\misc_f.pbo - 85025
15:42:25 addons\missions_f.pbo - 86453
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 86721
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 85005
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86895
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 72362
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 75065
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 87085
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 86791
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epb_data.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epb_video.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epc_data.pbo - 84724
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_epc_video.pbo - 84725
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 86941
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 86243
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\modules_f.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 80976
15:42:25 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 85167
15:42:25 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 addons\music_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 84723
15:42:25 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\plants_f.pbo - 85827
15:42:25 addons\roads_f.pbo - 82537
15:42:25 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 84519
15:42:25 addons\signs_f.pbo - 82967
15:42:25 addons\soft_f.pbo - 86906
15:42:25 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 85752
15:42:25 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85752
15:42:25 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 86934
15:42:25 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 87079
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 82576
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 86933
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 85560
15:42:25 addons\sounds_f_weapons.pbo - 84865
15:42:25 addons\static_f.pbo - 85125
15:42:25 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 79398
15:42:25 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 82090
15:42:25 addons\structures_f.pbo - 86067
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 85252
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 86882
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 85517
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 85518
15:42:25 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 85075
15:42:25 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 73106
15:42:25 addons\ui_f.pbo - 87002
15:42:25 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 76325
15:42:25 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 86284
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 87081
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 86067
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 86841
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 83667
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 80958
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 80374
15:42:25 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 83947
15:42:25 =======================
15:42:25 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
15:42:25 modsReadOnly = true
15:42:25 safeModsActivated = false
15:42:25 customMods = false
15:42:25 hash = '3AC73B7A0C8564D0E82EE22C4CE06A42124C773F'
15:42:25 hashShort = '3055333f'
15:42:25 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath
15:42:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15:42:25 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | |
15:42:25 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 366b92fc757013c0b4085df7386e5ce9b23c8be6 | 7b5d02be | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\mark
15:42:25 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 9feb68eba6267766b16e7cc4fecffd6f6e5bae8b | 71a9bff7 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\heli
15:42:25 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | bc54b397d3742c6fd7fae0259c35c49a6a6ad236 | 9547fb4 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\kart
15:42:25 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | 96e74aeedfd9af99bfe5eb17da3581a6cb3b7a55 | ec9f78e4 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\curator
15:42:25 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | |
15:42:25 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
15:42:25 DX11 - Initializing DX11 engine.
15:42:25 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0 (detected in config).
15:42:25 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0.
15:42:25 - adapter description : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 645
15:42:25 - adapter vendor ID : 4318
15:42:25 - adapter device ID : 4548
15:42:25 - adapter subsys ID : 271126750
15:42:25 - adapter revision : 161
15:42:25 - dedicated video memory : 1018888192
15:42:25 - dedicated system memory : 0
15:42:25 - shared system memory : 2908233728
15:42:26 Error: JoystickDevices - CoInitilizeEx return 80010106
15:42:26 InitSound ...
15:42:26 Error: CoInitilizeEx (XAudio2-1st trial) return 80010106
15:42:26 InitSound - complete
15:42:29 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
15:42:29 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:31 Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script
15:42:33 SimulWeather - Cloud Renderer - noise texture file is not specified!
15:42:40 Starting mission:
15:42:40 Mission file: intro1
15:42:40 Mission world: Stratis
15:42:40 Mission directory: a3\map_stratis_scenes_f\scenes\intro1.Stratis\
15:42:40 No more slot to add connection at 033057 (3386.8,5735.4)
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
15:42:44 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
15:42:50 soldier[O_Soldier_SL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 soldier[O_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
15:42:51 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
15:42:51 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
15:44:36 Starting mission:
15:44:36 Mission file: Altis_Life (CUR_MP)
15:44:36 Mission world: Altis
15:44:36 Mission directory: mpmissions\
15:44:51 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_knockedout
15:44:51 Attempt to override final function - life_fnc_knockedout_meta
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
15:44:52 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
15:44:58 *** Player identity cannot be applied on person 2:13 (med_3) - player 632794485 not found
15:44:59 Time was adjusted to keep it same as on server.
15:45:00 Client: Object 64:158 (type Type_118) not found.
15:45:00 Client: Object 27:532 (type Type_118) not found.
15:45:01 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
15:45:01 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 1c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 2c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 3c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 4c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 5c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 6c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 7c not found
15:45:05 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 8c not found
15:45:05 Wrong geometry convex component mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Convex component number 3. not found
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69f8b900# 499746: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69f8b900# 499746: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69e58800# 501022: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69e58800# 501022: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69e88800# 499228: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69e88800# 499228: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69e6eb00# 501333: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69e6eb00# 501333: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69fbab00# 494397: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69fbab00# 494397: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:05 Warning: Destruction of 69f82b00# 501150: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d owned by a static object (69f82b00# 501150: cargo_patrol_v1_f.p3d)
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 1c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 2c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 3c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 4c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 5c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 6c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 7c not found
15:45:07 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 8c not found
15:45:07 Wrong geometry convex component mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Convex component number 3. not found
15:45:07 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
15:45:07 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
15:45:07 civ_11: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress
15:45:07 civ_26: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress
15:45:07 med_3: Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress
15:45:09 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:09 - no main subgroup
15:45:09 Network simulation, time = 0.050
15:45:09 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:09 - no main subgroup
15:45:09 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:09 - no main subgroup
15:45:09 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:09 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:10 Group C Hotel 1-3 (0x6b042400) - network ID 2:6032
15:45:10 - no main subgroup
15:45:11 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0
15:45:13 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:45:13 "---------------------------------- Starting Asylum Life Client Init ----------------------------------"
15:45:13 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:45:13 "::Life Client:: Initialization Variables"
15:45:14 "Client Time: Initial Sync with server completed"
15:45:14 "::Life Client:: Variables initialized"
15:45:14 "::Life Client:: Monitoring player chat input"
15:45:14 "::Life Client:: Setting up Eventhandlers"
15:45:14 "::Life Client:: Eventhandlers completed"
15:45:14 "::Life Client:: Emptying all world fuel pumps.."
15:45:16 "::Life Client:: Waiting for server functions to transfer.."
15:45:16 "::Life Client:: Received server functions."
15:45:17 "Past Settings Init"
15:45:17 "Executing client.fsm"
15:45:17 "Display 46 Found"
15:45:17 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:45:17 " End of Asylum Life Client Init :: Total Execution Time 4.06601 seconds "
15:45:17 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
15:45:18 "Beginning gate scan."
15:45:18 "Turf Marker: ["Rodopoli","121116","Free Syrian Army"]"
15:45:18 "Turf Marker: ["Zaros","813241","The Outfits"]"
15:45:18 "Turf Marker: ["Panagia","560556","ZUUL"]"
15:45:23 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:23 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:23 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:45:23 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:45:31 Cannot load sound 'jsrs2_mx\mx_reload.wss'
15:45:32 Time was adjusted to keep it same as on server.
15:45:36 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:36 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:36 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:45:36 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:45:39 Cannot load sound 'jsrs2_mx\mx_reload.wss'
15:45:48 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:48 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:48 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:45:48 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:45:53 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:53 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:45:53 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:45:53 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:46:07 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:07 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:07 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:46:07 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:46:13 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:46:13 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:46:17 "Client time: Safety was true"
15:46:22 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:46:22 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:46:22 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_119) not found.
15:46:22 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_119) not found.
15:46:24 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:46:24 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:46:26 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:26 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:26 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:46:26 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:46:32 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:32 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:32 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:46:32 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:46:38 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:38 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:46:38 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:46:38 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Network simulation, time = 1992.675
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:46:40 Group C Hotel 2-1 (0x31566e80) - network ID 2:6085
15:46:40 - no main subgroup
15:47:06 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:47:06 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:47:06 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:47:06 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:47:08 Observer B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2) in cargo of B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 0
15:47:17 "Client time: Safety was false"
15:47:18 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:47:18 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:47:25 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:47:25 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Network simulation, time = 2037.254
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:25 Group C Hotel 2-3 (0x784fd280) - network ID 2:6113
15:47:25 - no main subgroup
15:47:35 No glasses for civ_7
15:47:44 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:47:44 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:47:46 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:47:46 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:48:05 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_119) not found.
15:48:05 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_119) not found.
15:48:08 Observer B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2) in cargo of B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 5506
15:48:12 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_91) not found.
15:48:12 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_91) not found.
15:48:17 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:17 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:17 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:48:17 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:48:17 "Client time: Safety was false"
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Network simulation, time = 2094.469
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:22 Group R Alpha 2-1 (0x801c2780) - network ID 2:6148
15:48:22 - no main subgroup
15:48:25 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:48:25 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Network simulation, time = 2102.819
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:31 Group R Alpha 2-2 (0x7d770100) - network ID 2:6157
15:48:31 - no main subgroup
15:48:42 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:42 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:42 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:48:42 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:48:46 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:48:46 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:48:50 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:50 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:48:50 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:48:50 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:48:53 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:48:53 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:48:55 Client: Object 94:342 (type Type_400) not found.
15:48:55 Client: Object 94:342 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:03 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_119) not found.
15:49:04 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:49:04 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:49:05 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_119) not found.
15:49:06 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:49:06 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:49:06 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:06 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:06 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:49:06 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:49:12 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:12 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:12 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:49:12 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:49:13 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:13 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:14 Observer B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2) in cargo of B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 10659
15:49:17 "Client time: Safety was false"
15:49:27 Client: Object 120:135 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 48:716 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 94:338 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 30:773 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 48:715 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 64:626 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 64:625 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 18:761 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 18:762 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 108:254 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 108:255 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 129:87 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 44:711 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 44:710 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 53:706 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 106:246 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 106:245 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 93:368 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 118:91 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 128:88 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 42:779 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 11:752 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 11:751 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 49:761 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 49:760 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 42:780 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 114:178 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 114:177 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 79:547 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 98:327 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 98:328 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 67:608 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 134:19 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 134:20 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 87:438 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 87:440 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 45:741 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 124:97 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 56:710 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 38:747 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 56:709 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:27 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:28 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:49:28 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:49:44 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:44 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:44 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:49:44 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:49:47 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:49:47 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:49:53 Client: Object 112:11 (type Type_119) not found.
15:49:56 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:56 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:49:56 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:49:56 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:49:58 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_119) not found.
15:49:58 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_119) not found.
15:49:58 Client: Object 37:775 (type Type_90) not found.
15:49:58 Client: Object 37:775 (type Type_91) not found.
15:49:58 Client: Object 37:775 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:07 Cannot load sound 'jsrs2_mx\mx_reload.wss'
15:50:12 Client: Object 112:11 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:14 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:14 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:14 Observer C Delta 2-1:1 ([B.M] Goran) REMOTE (civ_97) in cargo of C Delta 2-1:1 ([B.M] Goran) REMOTE (civ_97); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 14390
15:50:17 "Client time: Safety was false"
15:50:28 Client: Object 104:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:28 Client: Object 104:12 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:30 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:50:30 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:50:31 Client: Object 61:720 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:31 Client: Object 61:720 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:31 Client: Object 55:711 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:31 Client: Object 55:711 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Network simulation, time = 2231.866
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:40 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x7ab9ee80) - network ID 2:6225
15:50:40 - no main subgroup
15:50:41 Client: Object 102:10 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:46 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:50:47 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:50:54 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_119) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 141:11 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 141:11 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 49:806 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 49:806 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 58:753 (type Type_400) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 58:753 (type Type_119) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 58:753 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:55 Client: Object 58:753 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:56 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_119) not found.
15:50:57 Client: Object 121:139 (type Type_91) not found.
15:50:57 Client: Object 121:139 (type Type_400) not found.
15:51:10 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:10 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:10 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:51:10 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:51:13 Client: Object 112:11 (type Type_91) not found.
15:51:14 Client: Object 58:763 (type Type_119) not found.
15:51:14 Client: Object 58:763 (type Type_91) not found.
15:51:14 Client: Object 58:763 (type Type_400) not found.
15:51:14 Observer C Delta 2-1:1 ([B.M] Goran) REMOTE (civ_97) in cargo of C Delta 2-1:1 ([B.M] Goran) REMOTE (civ_97); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 7004
15:51:15 Client: Object 104:164 (type Type_91) not found.
15:51:15 Client: Object 104:162 (type Type_91) not found.
15:51:17 "Client time: Safety was false"
15:51:20 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:20 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:20 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:51:20 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:51:22 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:22 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:51:22 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:51:22 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Network simulation, time = 2299.133
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:47 Group C Hotel 3-2 (0x7ab9c100) - network ID 2:6311
15:51:47 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Network simulation, time = 2307.340
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:51:55 Group C Hotel 3-3 (0x8767d980) - network ID 2:6319
15:51:55 - no main subgroup
15:52:05 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:05 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:05 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:05 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:08 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:08 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:08 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:08 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:09 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:09 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:09 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:09 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:09 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:09 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:09 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:09 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:12 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:12 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:12 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:12 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:15 Client: Object 106:322 (type Type_91) not found.
15:52:15 Client: Object 106:322 (type Type_400) not found.
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Network simulation, time = 2326.869
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:15 Group C Hotel 4-1 (0x8553f200) - network ID 2:6331
15:52:15 - no main subgroup
15:52:17 "Client time: Safety was true"
15:52:27 Observer B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2) in cargo of B Alpha 1-1:2 (HomeTrlx) REMOTE (cop_medic_2); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 12800
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Network simulation, time = 2340.636
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:28 Group C Hotel 4-2 (0x88570b80) - network ID 2:6347
15:52:28 - no main subgroup
15:52:34 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:34 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:34 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:34 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:35 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:35 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:35 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:35 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:38 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:38 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:38 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:38 File mpmissions\CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:51 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:51 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:51 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:51 File mpmissions\
CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:52:53 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:53 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:52:53 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number
15:52:53 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83
15:53:05 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\new1.wss'
15:53:05 Cannot load sound 'a3\ui_f\data\sound\onclick.wss'
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Network simulation, time = 2387.404
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:15 Group C Golf 1-2 (0x65d31980) - network ID 2:6378
15:53:15 - no main subgroup
15:53:17 "Client time: Safety was true"
15:53:20 Error in expression <arr)-1 do {
_x = _arr select _i;
if (_x > 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:53:20 Error position: <> 32 && _x < 127) then { _out=_out + _x;>
15:53:20 Error >: Type String, expected Number,Not a Number

15:53:20 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\KRON_Strings.sqf, line 83

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 014B5ACA
graphics: D3D11
resolution: 1280x720x32

A3_Map_Altis_Scenes in a3\map_altis_scenes_f\
A3_Weapons_F_DummyWeapons in a3\weapons_f\dummyweapons\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Intel in a3\data_f_curator\intel\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_MRAP_02 in a3\soft_f_heli\mrap_02\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Acc in a3\weapons_f_mark\acc\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Factory in a3\structures_f\ind\factory\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_WavePowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\wavepowerplant\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Furniture in a3\structures_f_heli\furniture\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\
A3_Data_F_Curator in a3\data_f_curator\
A3_Structures_F_Wrecks in a3\structures_f\wrecks\
A3_armor_f_beta in a3\armor_f_beta\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_TRG20 in a3\weapons_f_mark\rifles\trg20\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_MRAP_03 in a3\soft_f_heli\mrap_03\
A3_Language_F_Gamma in a3\language_f_gamma\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_SolarPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\
A3_Structures_F_Naval_Fishing in a3\structures_f\naval\fishing\
A3_UI_F in a3\ui_f\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Objectives in a3\modules_f_curator\objectives\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Food in a3\structures_f_heli\items\food\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_GM6_camo in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\gm6_camo\
A3_Boat_F_Beta_Boat_Armed_01 in a3\boat_f_beta\boat_armed_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_PlayGround in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\playground\
A3_Structures_F_Mil in a3\structures_f\mil\
A3_Modules_F_Supports in a3\modules_f\supports\
A3_Soft_F_Gamma_TruckHeavy in a3\soft_f_gamma\truck_02\
A3_Characters_F_OPFOR in a3\characters_f\opfor\
A3_Structures_F_Naval_Piers in a3\structures_f\naval\piers\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_VR_Helpers in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\vr\helpers\
A3_Sounds_F_EPB in a3\sounds_f_epb\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Respawn in a3\modules_f_curator\respawn\
A3_Functions_F_MP_Mark in a3\functions_f_mp_mark\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_M320_camo in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\m320_camo\
A3_Music_F in a3\music_f\
A3_Structures_F_Households_Addons in a3\structures_f\households\addons\
A3_UI_F_Kart in a3\ui_f_kart\, A3_Armor_F_T100K in a3\armor_f_gamma\mbt_02\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Machineguns_MMG_01 in a3\weapons_f_mark\machineguns\mmg_01\
A3_Sounds_F_EPC in a3\sounds_f_epc\
A3_Data_F_Kart_ParticleEffects in a3\data_f_kart\particleeffects\
A3_Static_F_Mark_Designator_01 in a3\static_f_mark\designator_01\
A3_Modules_F_DynO in a3\modules_f\dyno\
A3_Soft_F_Offroad_01 in a3\soft_f\offroad_01\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps in a3\structures_f\civ\lamps\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Multiplayer in a3\modules_f_curator\multiplayer\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Kiosks in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\kiosks\
A3_Language_F_MP_Mark in a3\language_f_mp_mark\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Furniture in a3\structures_f_epc\furniture\
A3_Structures_F_Kart_Signs_Companies in a3\structures_f_kart\signs\companies\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Machineguns_MMG_02 in a3\weapons_f_mark\machineguns\mmg_02\
A3_Music_F_EPA in a3\music_f_epa\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Machines in a3\structures_f_heli\ind\machines\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop01\
A3_Static_F_Mark_Designator_02 in a3\static_f_mark\designator_02\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Furniture in a3\structures_f_epb\furniture\
A3_Weapons_F_Gamma_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f_gamma\ammoboxes\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Shed in a3\structures_f\ind\shed\
A3_Music_F_EPB in a3\music_f_epb\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop02\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Effects in a3\modules_f_curator\effects\
A3_Air_F_Gamma_UAV_01 in a3\drones_f\air_f_gamma\uav_01\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_AirPort in a3\structures_f_heli\ind\airport\
A3_Weapons_F_gamma_Acc in a3\weapons_f_gamma\acc\
A3_Modules_F_Sites in a3\modules_f\sites\
A3_Static_F_Mortar_01 in a3\static_f\mortar_01\, A3_Music_F_EPC in a3\music_f_epc\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Offices in a3\structures_f\mil\offices\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels in a3\structures_f\items\vessels\
A3_Boat_F_Gamma_Boat_Transport_01 in a3\boat_f_gamma\boat_transport_01\
A3_Missions_F_MP_Mark in a3\missions_f_mp_mark\
A3_Air_F_Gamma_UAV_02 in a3\drones_f\air_f_gamma\uav_02\, A3_Soft_F in a3\soft_f\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Characters in a3\data_f_curator\characters\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Tools in a3\structures_f_heli\items\tools\
A3_Weapons_F_Explosives in a3\weapons_f\explosives\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Ind_Cargo in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\ind\cargo\
A3_Boat_F_SDV_01 in a3\boat_f_beta\sdv_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_VR_Shapes in a3\structures_f_mark\vr\shapes\
A3_Structures_F_Furniture in a3\structures_f\furniture\
A3_Missions_F_Heli in a3\missions_f_heli\
A3_Animals_F_Dog in a3\animals_f_beta\dog\
A3_Modules_F_LiveFeed in a3\modules_f\livefeed\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Environment in a3\modules_f_curator\environment\
A3_LanguageMissions_F_Gamma in a3\languagemissions_f_gamma\
A3_Soft_F_TruckHeavy in a3\soft_f_beta\truck_02\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Attack_01 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_attack_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Documents in a3\structures_f_epb\items\documents\
A3_CargoPoses_F in a3\cargoposes_f\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Castle in a3\structures_f\dominants\castle\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Chemlights in a3\modules_f_curator\chemlights\
A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Big in a3\structures_f\households\stone_big\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Flags in a3\structures_f\mil\flags\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Luggage in a3\structures_f\items\luggage\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_BellTowers in a3\structures_f\civ\belltowers\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Attack_02 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_attack_02\
A3_Air_F_EPB_Heli_Light_03 in a3\air_f_epb\heli_light_03\
A3_Weapons_F_EPB_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f_epb\ammoboxes\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_Items_Sport in a3\structures_f_mark\items\sport\
A3_Soft_F_Bootcamp_Offroad_01 in a3\soft_f_bootcamp\offroad_01\
A3_Soft_F_Quadbike in a3\soft_f\quadbike_01\
A3_Characters_F_EPA in a3\characters_f_epa\
A3_Weapons_F_Beta_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f_beta\ammoboxes\
A3_Characters_F in a3\characters_f\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Khaybar in a3\weapons_f\rifles\khaybar\
A3_Modules_F_EPB_Misc in a3\modules_f_epb\misc\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark in a3\weapons_f_mark\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_PowerLines in a3\structures_f\ind\powerlines\
A3_Functions_F_Curator in a3\functions_f_curator\
A3_Characters_F_EPB in a3\characters_f_epb\, A3_Weapons_F in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Language_F_EPA in a3\language_f_epa\
A3_Weapons_F_Bootcamp_LongRangeRifles_GM6 in a3\weapons_f_bootcamp\longrangerifles\gm6_camo\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_FuelStation in a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\
A3_Soft_F_Crusher_UGV in a3\drones_f\soft_f_gamma\ugv_01\
A3_Animals_F_Fishes in a3\animals_f\fishes\
A3_Static_F_Gamma in a3\static_f_gamma\
A3_Characters_F_EPC in a3\characters_f_epc\
A3_Language_F_EPB in a3\language_f_epb\
A3_Weapons_F_gamma_Items in a3\drones_f\weapons_f_gamma\items\
A3_Weapons_F_LongRangeRifles_M320 in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\m320\
A3_Modules_F_MP_Mark in a3\modules_f_mp_mark\
A3_Weapons_F_Uniforms in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Language_F_Curator in a3\language_f_curator\
A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_NLAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\nlaw\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Machineguns_Zafir in a3\weapons_f_mark\machineguns\zafir\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Items_Vessels in a3\structures_f_epa\items\vessels\
A3_Modules_F_Mark_Objectives in a3\modules_f_mp_mark\objectives\
A3_Language_F_EPC in a3\language_f_epc\, A3_Weapons_F_beta in a3\weapons_f_beta\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f_epa\ammoboxes\
A3_Supplies_F_Heli_Bladders in a3\supplies_f_heli\bladders\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Electronics in a3\structures_f\items\electronics\
A3_Data_F_Bootcamp in a3\data_f_bootcamp\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Ancient in a3\structures_f\civ\ancient\
A3_Map_Stratis in a3\map_stratis\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_Mil_Flags in a3\structures_f_mark\mil\flags\
A3_Missions_F_Curator in a3\missions_f_curator\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Military in a3\structures_f_epb\items\military\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Stationery in a3\structures_f\items\stationery\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Constructions in a3\structures_f_epa\civ\constructions\
A3_Dubbing_Radio_F in a3\dubbing_radio_f\
A3_Structures_F_Kart_Mil_Flags in a3\structures_f_kart\mil\flags\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_Training in a3\structures_f_mark\training\
A3_Soft_F_Gamma_HEMTT in a3\soft_f_gamma\truck_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Items_Electronics in a3\structures_f_epa\items\electronics\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f\civ\accessories\
A3_Editor_F in a3\editor_f\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Walls in a3\structures_f_epa\walls\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_P07 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\p07\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_Truck in a3\soft_f_heli\van_01\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants in a3\structures_f\dominants\
A3_Modules_F_Misc in a3\modules_f\misc\
A3_Characters_F_Heads in a3\characters_f\heads\
A3_Characters_F_Gamma in a3\characters_f_gamma\
A3_Modules_F_Mark_FiringDrills in a3\modules_f_mark\firingdrills\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Medical in a3\structures_f\items\medical\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_EBR in a3\weapons_f_gamma\longrangerifles\ebr\
A3_Anims_F in a3\anims_f\, A3_Language_F in a3\language_f\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_Quadbike in a3\soft_f_heli\quadbike_01\
A3_Supplies_F_Heli_Fuel in a3\supplies_f_heli\fuel\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Constructions in a3\structures_f\civ\constructions\
A3_Armor_F in a3\armor_f\, A3_Misc_F_Helpers in a3\misc_f\helpers\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification in a3\structures_f\mil\fortification\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_LongRangeRifles_GM6 in a3\weapons_f_beta\longrangerifles\gm6\
A3_Soft_F_Kart_Kart_01 in a3\soft_f_kart\kart_01\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Flares in a3\modules_f_curator\flares\
A3_Map_Altis in a3\map_altis\, A3_Missions_F_Mark in a3\missions_f_mark\
A3_Animals_F_Turtle in a3\animals_f\turtle\
A3_Language_F_Heli in a3\language_f_heli\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Pipes in a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\
A3_Music_F_Heli in a3\music_f_heli\, A3_Structures_F in a3\structures_f\
A3_Animals_F_AnimConfig in a3\animals_f\animconfig\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Virtual in a3\data_f_curator\virtual\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_SDAR in a3\weapons_f_mark\rifles\sdar\
A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Offroad in a3\soft_f_gamma\offroad_01\
A3_Modules_F_Multiplayer in a3\modules_f\multiplayer\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_SDAR in a3\weapons_f\rifles\sdar\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Constructions in a3\structures_f_heli\civ\constructions\
A3_Structures_F_Civ in a3\structures_f\civ\, A3_Weapons_F_NATO in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Characters_F_EPB_Heads in a3\characters_f_epb\heads\
A3_Weapons_F_Machineguns_M200 in a3\weapons_f\machineguns\m200\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Offices in a3\structures_f\civ\offices\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Tank in a3\structures_f\ind\tank\
A3_Structures_F_Bridges in a3\structures_f\bridges\
A3_Functions_F in a3\functions_f\, Map_VR in a3\map_vr\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Electronics in a3\structures_f_heli\items\electronics\
A3_Boat_F_Heli_SDV_01 in a3\boat_f_heli\sdv_01\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Airport in a3\structures_f_heli\items\airport\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\civ\camping\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_TRG20 in a3\weapons_f\rifles\trg20\
A3_Weapons_F_Bootcamp_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f_bootcamp\ammoboxes\
A3_Map_Stratis_Scenes in a3\map_stratis_scenes_f\
A3_Soft_F_Bootcamp_Quadbike in a3\soft_f_bootcamp\quadbike_01\
A3_Weapons_F_EPB_Rifles_MX_Black in a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx_black\
A3_Animals_F_Snakes in a3\animals_f\snakes\, A3_Anims_F_Kart in a3\anims_f_kart\
A3_LanguageMissions_F_MP_Mark in a3\languagemissions_f_mp_mark\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Walls in a3\structures_f_epc\walls\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\
A3_Air_F_Heli in a3\air_f_heli\
A3_Weapons_F_LongRangeRifles_GM6 in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\gm6\
A3_Structures_F_Ind in a3\structures_f\ind\
A3_Modules_F_Curator in a3\modules_f_curator\
A3_Static_F_Beta_Mortar_01 in a3\static_f_beta\mortar_01\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_InfoBoards in a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Civ_SportsGrounds in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\civ\sportsgrounds\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_ConcreteMixingPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\concretemixingplant\
A3_UAV_F_Weapons_F_Gamma_Ammoboxes in a3\drones_f\weapons_f_gamma\ammoboxes\
A3_Structures_F_Kart_Civ_SportsGrounds in a3\structures_f_kart\civ\sportsgrounds\
A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Shed in a3\structures_f\households\stone_shed\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Cargo in a3\structures_f_heli\ind\cargo\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\
A3_Roads_F in a3\roads_f\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Items_Medical in a3\structures_f_epa\items\medical\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f\civ\camping\
A3_Characters_F_Mark in a3\characters_f_mark\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Parachute_01 in a3\air_f_beta\parachute_01\
A3_Armor_F_Panther in a3\armor_f_beta\apc_tracked_01\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Training in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\training\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small02\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Rook40 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Parachute_02 in a3\air_f_beta\parachute_02\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_VR_Blocks in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\vr\blocks\
A3_armor_f_beta_APC_Tracked_02 in a3\armor_f_beta\apc_tracked_02\
A3_Modules_F_Heli in a3\modules_f_heli\
A3_Functions_F_Heli in a3\functions_f_heli\
A3_Soft_F_Beta_Quadbike in a3\soft_f_beta\quadbike_01\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Calvaries in a3\structures_f\civ\calvaries\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small03 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small03\
A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Dominants_GhostHotel in a3\structures_f_epc\dominants\ghosthotel\
A3_Modules_F in a3\modules_f\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Dead in a3\structures_f\civ\dead\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Lightning in a3\modules_f_curator\lightning\
A3_Weapons_F_EPB_LongRangeRifles_GM3 in a3\weapons_f_epb\longrangerifles\gm6\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f_heli\civ\accessories\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Dominants_Stadium in a3\structures_f_epc\dominants\stadium\
A3_Missions_F_Gamma in a3\missions_f_gamma\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01 in a3\air_f\heli_light_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_Items_Military in a3\structures_f_mark\items\military\
A3_Air_F in a3\air_f\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_VR_Targets in a3\structures_f_mark\vr\targets\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f_mark\rifles\mx\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_InfoBoards in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\infoboards\
A3_Armor_F_APC_Wheeled_03 in a3\armor_f_gamma\apc_wheeled_03\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_02 in a3\air_f\heli_light_02\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Cans in a3\structures_f\items\food\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Shelters in a3\structures_f\mil\shelters\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Kiosks in a3\structures_f\civ\kiosks\
A3_Armor_F_Slammer in a3\armor_f_gamma\mbt_01\, A3_Data_F_Heli in a3\data_f_heli\
A3_Animals_F_Seagull in a3\animals_f\seagull\
A3_Weapons_F_Kart in a3\weapons_f_kart\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_Mk20 in a3\weapons_f_mark\rifles\mk20\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Items_Electronics in a3\structures_f_epc\items\electronics\
A3_Language_F_Mark in a3\language_f_mark\
A3_Characters_F_INDEP in a3\characters_f_beta\indep\
A3_Structures_F_Items in a3\structures_f\items\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Amphitheater in a3\structures_f\dominants\amphitheater\
A3_Music_F_Mark in a3\music_f_mark\, A3_Static_F_Gamma_AA in a3\static_f\aa_01\
A3_BaseConfig_F in a3\baseconfig_f\
A3_Structures_F_Signs_Companies in a3\structures_f\signs\companies\
A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_Titan in a3\weapons_f\launchers\titan\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_01 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_01\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Ordnance in a3\modules_f_curator\ordnance\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Mk20 in a3\weapons_f\rifles\mk20\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_01 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_01\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_LongRangeRifles_DMR_01 in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\dmr_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Barracks in a3\structures_f\mil\barracks\
A3_Anims_F_Mark_Deployment in a3\anims_f_mark\deployment\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_WIP in a3\structures_f\dominants\wip\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Crane in a3\structures_f\ind\crane\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Tourism in a3\structures_f\civ\tourism\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_PlayGround in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_02 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_02\
A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR in a3\characters_f\blufor\
A3_Structures_F_Naval in a3\structures_f\naval\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Luggage in a3\structures_f_heli\items\luggage\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_02 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_02\
A3_Modules_F_Effects in a3\modules_f\effects\
A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Quadbike in a3\soft_f_gamma\quadbike_01\
A3_Soft_F_Truck in a3\soft_f_gamma\van_01\
A3_LanguageMissions_F_Kart in a3\languagemissions_f_kart\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_SUV in a3\soft_f_heli\suv_01\
A3_Weapons_F_Kart_Pistols_Pistol_Signal_F in a3\weapons_f_kart\pistols\pistol_signal_f\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Documents in a3\structures_f\items\documents\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_03 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_03\
A3_Supplies_F_Heli in a3\supplies_f_heli\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Items_Food in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\items\food\
A3_Armor_F_EPB_MBT_03 in a3\armor_f_epb\mbt_03\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Lighthouse in a3\structures_f\dominants\lighthouse\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Graffiti in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\graffiti\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_03\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_VR_Helpers in a3\structures_f_heli\vr\helpers\
A3_Weapons_F_EPB_LongRangeRifles_M320 in a3\weapons_f_beta\longrangerifles\m320\
A3_Weapons_F_beta_EBR in a3\weapons_f_beta\longrangerifles\ebr\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Sport in a3\structures_f_heli\items\sport\
A3_Map_Data in a3\map_data\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_04 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_04\
A3_UI_F_MP_Mark in a3\ui_f_mp_mark\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_transport_04\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Tools in a3\structures_f\items\tools\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Respawn in a3\data_f_curator\respawn\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_05 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_05\
A3_Signs_F_AD in a3\signs_f\signs_ad\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_WindPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\windpowerplant\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_DieselPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\
A3_LanguageMissions_F_Beta in a3\languagemissions_f_beta\
A3_Modules_F_StrategicMap in a3\modules_f\strategicmap\
A3_Weapons_F_EBR in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\ebr\
a3_weapons_f_rifles_SMG_02 in a3\weapons_f\smgs\smg_02\
A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp_Misc in a3\modules_f_bootcamp\misc\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_EBR in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\ebr\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_DMR_06 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_06\
A3_Boat_F_Beta_Boat_Transport_01 in a3\boat_f_beta\boat_transport_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Dead in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\dead\
A3_UI_F_Heli in a3\ui_f_heli\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Cargo in a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Mines in a3\modules_f_curator\mines\
A3_Modules_F_Mark in a3\modules_f_mark\, A3_Missions_F_Kart in a3\missions_f_kart\
A3_Functions_F_Mark in a3\functions_f_mark\
A3_Animals_F_Sheep in a3\animals_f_beta\sheep\
A3_Boat_F_EPC_Submarine_01_F in a3\boat_f_epc\submarine_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\garbage\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Market in a3\structures_f_heli\civ\market\
A3_Air_F_Gamma_Plane_Fighter_03 in a3\air_f_gamma\plane_fighter_03\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_AirPort in a3\structures_f\ind\airport\
A3_weapons_F_FIA in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market in a3\structures_f\civ\market\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\
A3_Static_F_Gamma_Mortar_01 in a3\static_f_gamma\mortar_01\
A3_Modules_F_Events in a3\modules_f\events\
A3_Missions_F_Beta in a3\missions_f_beta\, A3_Weapons_F_EPA in a3\weapons_f_epa\
A3_Structures_F_Research in a3\structures_f\research\
A3_Supplies_F_Heli_Slingload in a3\supplies_f_heli\slingload\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_FuelStation_Small in a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation_small\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Transport_01 in a3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_01\
A3_Armor_F_EPB_APC_tracked_03 in a3\armor_f_epb\apc_tracked_03\
A3_UI_F_Curator in a3\ui_f_curator\
A3_Weapons_F_beta_Rifles_Khaybar in a3\weapons_f_beta\rifles\khaybar\
A3_Weapons_F_EPB in a3\weapons_f_epb\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_TentHangar in a3\structures_f\mil\tenthangar\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_ACPC2 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\acpc2\
A3_Data_F_Mark in a3\data_f_mark\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\camping\
A3_Modules_F_Skirmish in a3\modules_f\skirmish\, A3_UIFonts_F in a3\uifonts_f\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Transport_02 in a3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_02\
A3_Animals_F_Kestrel in a3\animals_f\kestrel\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\camping\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_M320 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\m320\
A3_Characters_F_Bootcamp_Common in a3\characters_f_bootcamp\common\
3DEN in a3\data_f_exp_b\, A3_Weapons_F_EPC in a3\weapons_f_epc\
A3_Characters_F_Bootcamp in a3\characters_f_bootcamp\
A3_Air_F_EPC_Plane_CAS_01 in a3\air_f_epc\plane_cas_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mark_VR_Helpers in a3\structures_f_mark\vr\helpers\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Smokeshells in a3\modules_f_curator\smokeshells\
A3_Structures_F_Households in a3\structures_f\households\, A3_Misc_F in a3\misc_f\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Animals in a3\modules_f_curator\animals\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Military in a3\structures_f\items\military\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Items_Electronics in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\items\electronics\
A3_Animals_F_Goat in a3\animals_f_beta\goat\
A3_Weapons_F_Bootcamp in a3\weapons_f_bootcamp\
A3_Characters_F_Kart in a3\characters_f_kart\
A3_Air_F_EPC_Plane_CAS_02 in a3\air_f_epc\plane_cas_02\
A3_Characters_F_Proxies in a3\characters_f\proxies\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Windmill in a3\structures_f\ind\windmill\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Eagle in a3\data_f_curator\eagle\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads in a3\structures_f\mil\helipads\
A3_Structures_F_Households_Slum in a3\structures_f\households\slum\
A3_Weapons_F_Machineguns_Zafir in a3\weapons_f\machineguns\zafir\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_Car in a3\soft_f_heli\hatchback_01\
A3_Sounds_F_Bootcamp in a3\sounds_f_bootcamp\, A3_Rocks_F in a3\rocks_f\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Chapels in a3\structures_f\civ\chapels\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_Acc in a3\weapons_f_epa\acc\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Statues in a3\structures_f\civ\statues\
A3_Supplies_F_Mark in a3\supplies_f_mark\, A3_Static_F in a3\static_f\
A3_Structures_F_Naval_Buoys in a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\
A3_Structures_F_Households_WIP in a3\structures_f\households\wip\
A3_Modules_F_Intel in a3\modules_f\intel\, A3_Weapons_F_AAF in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Pistol_heavy_01 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\pistol_heavy_01\
A3_Weapons_F_Beta_Acc in a3\weapons_f_beta\acc\
A3_Weapons_F_Bootcamp_LongRangeRifles_M320 in a3\weapons_f_bootcamp\longrangerifles\m320_camo\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f_epa\civ\camping\
A3_Boat_F_Civilian_Boat in a3\boat_f_gamma\boat_civil_01\
A3_Functions_F_EPA in a3\functions_f_epa\
A3_Armor_F_EPC_MBT_01 in a3\armor_f_epc\mbt_01\
A3_Structures_F_Training in a3\structures_f\training\
A3_Data_F_Curator_Misc in a3\data_f_curator\misc\
A3_Modules_F_Kart_TimeTrials in a3\modules_f_kart\timetrials\
A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01 in a3\boat_f\boat_transport_01\
A3_Armor_F_Marid in a3\armor_f_beta\apc_wheeled_02\
A3_Modules_F_Heli_SpawnAi in a3\modules_f_heli\misc\
A3_Characters_F_Beta in a3\characters_f_beta\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Pistol_heavy_02 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\pistol_heavy_02\
A3_Weapons_F_EPA_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f_gamma\rifles\mx\
A3_Animals_F_Chicken in a3\animals_f_beta\chicken\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Naval_Fishing in a3\structures_f_epb\naval\fishing\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Pavements in a3\structures_f\civ\pavements\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Scrapyard in a3\structures_f\mil\scrapyard\
A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Vector in a3\weapons_f\smgs\smg_01\
A3_UI_F_Mark in a3\ui_f_mark\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_System in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\system\
A3_Functions_F_EPC in a3\functions_f_epc\, A3_Animals_F in a3\animals_f\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Intel in a3\modules_f_curator\intel\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Machineguns_M200 in a3\weapons_f_mark\machineguns\m200\
A3_Animals_F_Rabbit in a3\animals_f\rabbit\
A3_Armor_F_AMV in a3\armor_f_beta\apc_wheeled_01\
A3_Language_F_Kart in a3\language_f_kart\, A3_Missions_F in a3\missions_f\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Misc in a3\modules_f_curator\misc\
A3_Structures_F_System in a3\structures_f\system\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Civ_Tourism in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\tourism\
A3_Structures_F_Training_InvisibleTarget in a3\structures_f\training\invisibletarget\
A3_Characters_F_Civil in a3\characters_f\civil\
A3_Soft_F_EPC_Truck_03 in a3\soft_f_epc\truck_03\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\
A3_Static_F_Gamma_AT in a3\static_f\at_01\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Items_Food in a3\structures_f_epa\items\food\
A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_PDW2000 in a3\weapons_f\smgs\pdw2000\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Rifles_Khaybar in a3\weapons_f_mark\rifles\khaybar\
A3_Missions_F_EPA in a3\missions_f_epa\, A3_Soft_F_SUV in a3\soft_f_gamma\suv_01\
A3_Language_F_Beta in a3\language_f_beta\
A3_LanguageMissions_F in a3\languagemissions_f\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Valuables in a3\structures_f\items\valuables\
A3_Missions_F_EPB in a3\missions_f_epb\
A3_Missions_F_Bootcamp in a3\missions_f_bootcamp\
A3_Weapons_F_Headgear in a3\weapons_f\, A3_Modules_F_Marta in a3\modules_f\marta\
A3_Weapons_F_Mark_LongRangeRifles_GM6 in a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\gm6\
A3_UI_F_Bootcamp in a3\ui_f_bootcamp\, A3_Weapons_F_Items in a3\weapons_f\items\
A3_Functions_F_Bootcamp in a3\functions_f_bootcamp\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagFence in a3\structures_f\mil\bagfence\
A3_Structures_F_Walls in a3\structures_f\walls\
A3_Missions_F_EPC in a3\missions_f_epc\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo in a3\structures_f\mil\cargo\
A3_Anims_F_Config_Sdr in a3\anims_f\config\sdr\, A3_Boat_F in a3\boat_f\
A3_Weapons_F_beta_Rifles_TRG20 in a3\weapons_f_beta\rifles\trg20\
A3_CargoPoses_F_Heli in a3\cargoposes_f_heli\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Luggage in a3\structures_f_epb\items\luggage\
A3_Supplies_F_Heli_CargoNets in a3\supplies_f_heli\cargonets\
A3_Signs_F in a3\signs_f\
A3_Structures_F_Items_Gadgets in a3\structures_f\items\gadgets\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_Graffiti in a3\structures_f\civ\graffiti\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Vessels in a3\structures_f_epb\items\vessels\
A3_Modules_F_Beta_FiringDrills in a3\modules_f_beta\firingdrills\
A3_Soft_F_Bootcamp_Truck in a3\soft_f_bootcamp\van_01\
A3_Sounds_F in a3\sounds_f\, A3_Weapons_F_EPB_Acc in a3\weapons_f_epb\acc\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_ReservoirTank in a3\structures_f\ind\reservoirtank\
A3_Boat_F_Boat_Armed_01 in a3\boat_f\boat_armed_01\
A3_Air_F_Beta in a3\air_f_beta\
A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Hospital in a3\structures_f\dominants\hospital\
A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Small in a3\structures_f\households\stone_small\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_Transmitter_Tower in a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\
A3Data in a3\, A3_Music_F_Bootcamp in a3\music_f_bootcamp\
A3_Soft_F_HEMTT in a3\soft_f_beta\truck_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Radar in a3\structures_f\mil\radar\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_VR_CoverObjects in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\vr\coverobjects\
A3_Characters_F_Common in a3\characters_f\common\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Mil_Scrapyard in a3\structures_f_epa\mil\scrapyard\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_Curator in a3\modules_f_curator\curator\
A3_Boat_F_Trawler in a3\boat_f_gamma\boat_civil_04\
A3_Modules_F_HC in a3\modules_f\hc\, A3_Weapons_F_CSAT in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Structures_F_EPC_Items_Documents in a3\structures_f_epc\items\documents\
A3_Map_VR_Scenes in a3\map_vr_scenes_f\, A3_Modules_F_Kart in a3\modules_f_kart\
A3_Structures_F_EPA_Items_Tools in a3\structures_f_epa\items\tools\
A3_Anims_F_Heli in a3\anims_f_heli\
A3_Structures_F_Heli_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f_heli\civ\garbage\
A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\accessories\
A3_Data_F_ParticleEffects in a3\data_f\particleeffects\
A3_Structures_F_Naval_RowBoats in a3\structures_f\naval\rowboats\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\
A3_Air_F_EPC_Plane_Fighter_03 in a3\air_f_epc\plane_fighter_03\
A3_Modules_F_Curator_CAS in a3\modules_f_curator\cas\
A3_Modules_F_Beta in a3\modules_f_beta\
A3_Structures_F_Ind_CarService in a3\structures_f\ind\carservice\
A3_Soft_F_MRAP_01 in a3\soft_f\mrap_01\, A3_Anims_F_EPA in a3\anims_f_epa\
A3_Weapons_F_ItemHolders in a3\weapons_f\, A3_Weapons_F_Vests in a3\weapons_f\
A3_Weapons_F_beta_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f_beta\rifles\mx\
A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big02\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_01 in a3\air_f_beta\heli_attack_01\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagBunker in a3\structures_f\mil\bagbunker\
A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_LAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\rpg32\
A3_Structures_F_Mil_Bunker in a3\structures_f\mil\bunker\
A3_Soft_F_MRAP_02 in a3\soft_f\mrap_02\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_PlayGround in a3\structures_f\civ\playground\
A3_Language_F_Bootcamp in a3\language_f_bootcamp\
A3_Boat_F_Heli_Boat_Armed_01 in a3\boat_f_heli\boat_armed_01\
A3_Data_F_Kart in a3\data_f_kart\, A3_Modules_F_EPB in a3\modules_f_epb\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Light_01 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_light_01\
A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_02 in a3\air_f_beta\heli_attack_02\
A3_Structures_F_Civ_SportsGrounds in a3\structures_f\civ\sportsgrounds\
A3_Data_F_Hook in a3\data_f\hook\, A3_Soft_F_Car in a3\soft_f_gamma\hatchback_01\
A3_UAV_F_Characters_F_Gamma in a3\drones_f\characters_f_gamma\
A3_Soft_F_MRAP_03 in a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\, A3_Anims_F_EPC in a3\anims_f_epc\
A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_Items_Sport in a3\structures_f_bootcamp\items\sport\
A3_Modules_F_ObjectModifiers in a3\modules_f\objectmodifiers\
A3_Data_F in a3\data_f\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Light_02 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_light_02\
A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp in a3\modules_f_bootcamp\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_Crusher_UGV in a3\soft_f_heli\ugv_01\
A3_Weapons_F_gamma in a3\weapons_f_gamma\
A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Light_03 in a3\air_f_heli\heli_light_03\
A3_Soft_F_Heli_MRAP_01 in a3\soft_f_heli\mrap_01\
A3_Modules_F_GroupModifiers in a3\modules_f\groupmodifiers\
A3_Weapons_F_Acc in a3\weapons_f\acc\, A3_Modules_F_UAV in a3\modules_f\uav\
A3_Plants_F_Bush in a3\plants_f\bush\

Mods: dlcbundle
Distribution: 0
Version 1.52.132676
Fault time: 2015/10/02 15:53:21
Fault address: 014B5ACA 01:009F4ACA C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
file: Altis_Life (__CUR_MP)
world: Altis
Prev. code bytes: 18 C6 FF 85 C0 75 2E E9 55 02 00 00 8B 06 8B CE
Fault code bytes: 8B 80 7C 02 00 00 FF D0 84 C0 75 19 E9 40 02 00

EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001
ECX:3F800000 EDX:00000000
ESI:3F800000 EDI:009EEFE4
SS:ESP:002B:009EEE60 EBP:00000001
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Shane\AppData\Local\Arma 3\arma3_2015-10-02_15-42-10.mdmp

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

it took 3days for a reply thats why i kept bumping it i apologize but i spent $75 on this game then i play for about 2weeks you guys put an update out now i consistantly crash

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

all i no is, i cant continue scripts to the server without being able to test the server so this is fucking the whole situation

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

i did, i dont have maxrem or maxmem on any of my files,

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.,ub53gm65yz1hux3,dl1ryp3kph31wvu,qo33oquy1pgjy2b,2riccy48r4m2ju9,82dh7hb3fm116hl/shared

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

heres recent report

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

Worst part is the servers just updated like 10min ago to try and fix the bug everyone's having and it still didn't fix it. we might be shit out of luck cause they aren't doing shit about it on bohemias side, and all the forums ive been to has been the same shit, everyones looking for help. And no ones trying to help. BE side, And BI side

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

replied withen 10min of me yesterday now theres no reply for hrs.

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

posted al the files I have in the report log, hopefully this helps and could show you whats going on, ive sseeen tons of posts about this as well, seems like BE is the problem after the update was put out

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.,ub53gm65yz1hux3,dl1ryp3kph31wvu,qo33oquy1pgjy2b,2riccy48r4m2ju9,82dh7hb3fm116hl/shared

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.


May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.

so im new to this and theres about 14 files in a zipped file ive been saving every report file, I just cant for the life of me figure out how to acces them to upload them, could you walk my noob self through this xD

May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84371: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84370: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES, wont allow file upload.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84369: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84368: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign edited Steps To Reproduce on T84367: The game is constantly crashing. I can play for 4-9min BEFORE IT CRASHES.
May 10 2016, 12:05 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84349: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

it is battle eye, i had the game functioning at 110% on max settings, and then the battle eye update as of 09-01-15 or 1.52 came out i consistantly crash, and i posted on that exact same day, so ive been waiting 7days for replys on my forum post

May 10 2016, 12:04 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84349: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.


May 10 2016, 12:04 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84313: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Dude, he said the samething to me and now they stop replying, they dont say a word of anything after you post whats going on, even after all the correct procedures

May 10 2016, 12:03 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84313: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.,ub53gm65yz1hux3,dl1ryp3kph31wvu,qo33oquy1pgjy2b,2riccy48r4m2ju9,82dh7hb3fm116hl/shared

May 10 2016, 12:03 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84243: Random game crash, full lock up, requires task manager to get out of full black screen..

im playing without mods and im completely reproducing the issue, what did you error say?

May 10 2016, 12:01 PM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T84005: crashes several times, sometimes i can play hours, sometimes some server crashes always with the same error.

i have tried that update and its still not working on my end, im still awaiting reply on one of my posts and have yet to recieve one, you guys replied then stopped answering

May 10 2016, 11:54 AM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T83725: error code 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Same issues here, thought i would post as well, Adam hasnt gotten back to me in 2 days again. Started october 1st, 1.52 update, now its even worse 2min crashes on all servers including the one i am scripting. Also i have a twitch acount to prove that i have never had this problem up until then,
hopefully any of these erors between all of us users comes into help somep[ointe.,, ive been trying to play while i am home from work,ub53gm65yz1hux3,dl1ryp3kph31wvu,qo33oquy1pgjy2b,2riccy48r4m2ju9,82dh7hb3fm116hl/shared

May 10 2016, 11:46 AM · Arma 3
commanderreign added a comment to T83360: Getting 3 Different Crashes each time I launch the game.

im having this problem as well, I verified and double checked and uninstalled, but I did not upgrade to windows 10 cause of bug issues, also, it says now status_access_violation,. im posting a topic in a few ust reading through posts thought id let you know theres a bunch of people having this issue

May 10 2016, 11:35 AM · Arma 3