User Details
- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 6:46 PM (588 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Can the priority/status of this be increased, this has been game breaking for me and many other players since this bug first started occurring.
The ticket history does not give a fair reflection of the scale of the problem, as numerous other tickets were closed as a duplicate of this one without comments/notes being merged.
This is affecting a lot more people than may be realised and is a game breaking issue
see it is not just rolling that causes this
Ok interesting that someone mentioned it happens more in freelook.
I use TrackIR so I am basically always in freelook and the random throwing of the weapon on the ground happens frequently to me (always when zoom in / out though)
My friend I play with does not have this happen to him and he does not use TrackIR.
So it seems to be the freelook + zoom in / out + aim down sights that causes it.
This seems to randomly happen if you quickly aim down weapons sights and hold breath. Moving while doing this seems to exacerbate the situation. I lost an M4 I have had for ages, then a SKS, then a FNX .45.
Sometimes the weapon will drop on the ground in front of you but usually it will teleport across the ground slowly and disappear.
This is a major issue and makes looking for weapons pointless as your avatar will randomly throw them on the ground when trying to use them. I think this is related to the throw weapon feature somehow.