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User Since
Feb 19 2016, 1:29 AM (472 w, 45 m)

Recent Activity

Mar 27 2021

cgibson2 added a comment to T147402: Basebuilding - Built fences disappear - since PC Vers 1.6 but can also be earlier!.

I see your post is from over a year ago.. well.. 2 years and last comment is over 1 year.... I AM HAVING THIS SAME PROBLEM TODAY!!! MARCH 27, 2021...and this....
It disappears while we are still in the game... I mean like we went to the next town over to look for loot and we were gone from base maybe an hour and almost everything was gone. A few walls and 2 out of 7 doors where there.... vehicle despawned as well. It had been if our server restarted but never in game... even the water pump we put in is gone... I mean WTF!? And by no means was there a 45 day period...

Mar 27 2021, 5:39 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

cgibson2 set Category to category:gameplay on T86415: Game is lagging at 6 fps since Eden on MP.
May 10 2016, 1:05 PM · Arma 3