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- User Since
- Dec 20 2016, 8:14 AM (427 w, 6 d)
Apr 8 2017
I think I can say that this problem has been fixed. After Microsoft released their creators update i decided to try flying again and after a few minutes going in and out of third person i saw that there was no stuttering or audio distortion.
Apr 4 2017
Okay now the game is just unplayable I'm getting stutters in 3rd person in vehicle and non vehicle. There's nothing i can do about this problem...
Apr 2 2017
Yeah now i'm starting to get the audio problem when getting into firefights when i'm not in a vehicle or house.
Apr 1 2017
Mar 23 2017
Really wish we can get a response on how to fix this very soon. it's hard playing a mission with my friend when the game keeps stuttering in vehicles and buildings. He has an AMD computer but he doesn't have the stuttering issue. I'm really tired of complaining to him about this issue everytime we set up a mission.
Mar 21 2017
Mar 20 2017
Damn seriously? This sucks :(
Mar 19 2017
Hopefully this gets fixed very soon. would like get back to flying aircraft.
Mar 17 2017
Hey sorry to bring this ticket back up but now that the new 1.68 is back up I feel that i should say that I'm still having the same problem with the 64 bit version. I've tried using Ground vehicles, Aircraft, and walking and firing inside buildings. I've also tried Verifying the cache data and defragging my hard drive.
Jan 25 2017
Sorry for the delay. I've tried deleting yourprofilename.vars.Arma3Profile I'm not sure if it helped or it's the same problem I had before but when I was flying a helicopter over the island it started to stutter and freeze but if i go to a higher altitude the freezing stops and only get the audio problem but for a short period of time it goes away for probaly about 5 or 7 minutes and then comes back.. This is a really really weird issue lol.
Jan 21 2017
@Alwin Hey. have you guys found anything yet?
Jan 11 2017
I just found out I don't have an arma3.exe in this part of the regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\arma3.exe Also I have the troubleshoot report from when I tried tried arma3diag_x64.exe earlier today.
Jan 9 2017
Just Tried the AIO tool but it still haven't Fixed the problem. Although Adone Flash Player and I think Adobe shockwave or silverlight would not install.
Thanks for replying but I don't think it's my mods i've tried without mods and it would still stutter even re-installing. Right now I'm trying the All in One Runtimes tool.
I'm sorry to keep updating this ticket but please help. This problem has been going on for 2 weeks without a correct answer. I've tried everything that I could to fix this but nothing works.
Jan 8 2017
disregard that last comment i found out it was battleye
Jan 7 2017
New problem that I just now found out both modded and non modded is that arma would Stutter when I'm scrolling through the terrain menu and when i move around in the editor and moving around on foot.. Really not sure what to do about this.
Jan 6 2017
Another step I tried earlier this morning was create a new profile which seemed to remove all of the missing strings but it still didn't fix the audio distortion and stuttering problem.
Jan 2 2017
Oh. Any update on how to fix this?
I forgot to say that my CPU is the AMD fx 6300 and my GPU is the EVGA GTX 960 4GB FTW. Not sure if it matters.
Jan 1 2017
I'm assuming this problem is unfixable and have to wait untill 64 bit releases to the main branch.. Right?
Dec 30 2016
Has anyone found anything yet?
Dec 29 2016
Dec 27 2016
I've also found out it does it when in buildings instead of stuttering it's the audio that messes up..
Dec 26 2016
I've tried everything but still nothing even reinstalling or verifying game cache. I was playing Earlier with a friend and I was forced to go into third person with any vehicle. I asked my friend if he was also getting this issue and he said no. So I guess i'm the only one whose getting this problem. I'm also getting alot of missing strings even after resetting my controls and reinstalling.
Dec 25 2016
Oh. Never mind I thought you were talking meant in game but you were talking about the launcher. It's not the mods that i have enabled but it does do the same thing with both non modded and modded
Dec 24 2016
Actually this only happens when I'm on 64 bit which I'm running on a 64 bit operating system. Also I don't see the option to file a troubleshoot report unless it's the feedback button but it takes me back here.
Please help. This issue has been going on since Thursday or Friday and I feel like everyone is ignoring my problem. I've just now reinstalled the game but still no luck. Please help.