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- User Since
- Dec 21 2013, 8:38 AM (587 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
astrifer added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.
Has happened twice to me. Both times I was decked out really well.
astrifer added a comment to T89178: Resets character and respawn on coast on joining a server.
repost of 0000078
astrifer set Category to category:characters on T89178: Resets character and respawn on coast on joining a server.
astrifer set Category to category:structures on T89162: Glitched into room with no exits.
astrifer added a comment to T89140: Able to vault through wall in balota airfield and get stuck.
Thank you! Worked for me :)
astrifer added a comment to T89140: Able to vault through wall in balota airfield and get stuck.
Please describe how you exit the game while running. I am stuck as well and cannot leave.
astrifer added a comment to T88824: Character is reset and all gear lost when switching server..
same thing happened to me, twice in the past few days.
astrifer added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].
Has happened twice to me. Both times I was decked out really well.