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Jul 15 2014, 2:58 PM (555 w, 1 h)

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May 10 2016

armauser99 added a comment to T78419: New Fatigue settings or how to make all the players happy..

Stuffedsheep, I like your idea about making fatique different for each role played (...i.e. sniper, recon...) however you know in multiplayer people would just pick the fastest role and play another role say if the fastest was recon they would take that slot then just play AT or medic within that slot. Mikeymen problem with using mods which fix alot of the issues is that many of the pub servers are stock so we have to take what Bohemia gives us. HOWEVER I have found a way around the fatique system. I play medic loadout so I have a medikits and a medic tool kit which of course makes me carry the large backpack and I tire almost immediatly when I run, because im at 100% of equipment loadout. However the trick now is to fly in a helo with another medic when you get to the battlefield kill yourself when the 2nd medic reincarnates you your loadout will be about 50% less because of the blackhole backpack bug that removes 50% of your stuff when you die. However when your back alive you still have the medipack ability even though its gone from your backpack thus you can run alot further and faster while losing none of your medic ability. You of course also revive your 2nd medic and viola your set. Its a simple fix of just working the bugs to your advantage. Another way that most of the stock servers use now is everyone takes a vehicle and we just drive around the battlefield, helos will also lift quadbikes to any battlefield. Medics just drive around healing people instead of walking another simple solution. Trying to configure each slot well thats time consuming and problematic, plus those who play each day would figure out the loopholes and best slots and always take those. Right now I think I have figured out the best loadout for each role loading the packs to the limit before the fatique becomes rediculous and unusable. Another way is to ditch all friendly weapons in favor of using loadouts from the enemy thus you dont have to carry much and you always have a resupply system. Resupply from friendly units doesnt work very well as the bases are very far away and trucks and vehicles are not realistic in their small carry capabilities. Plus given the distances unless you helo a truck in its just too far away from bases.

May 10 2016, 8:51 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78419: New Fatigue settings or how to make all the players happy..

While I agree with your solution of being user adaptable. The problem I see is people like me would turn it off completely leaving those purests with it on to whollo around the battlefield not getting into any combat and dying rather easy when they cannot find cover fast enough.

May 10 2016, 8:51 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78419: New Fatigue settings or how to make all the players happy..

No what you dont understand mickeymen, is that one can like many features however buggy they are but hate others. I dont like any of the fatique system, cod, bf series dont have it because they know their players dont like the lagg it simulates, all users hate lagg. Its bad enough that the maps are too large for ground combat even not neccessary maybe if this was a flight simulator then I can see it. But given the infantry to pilot ratios this is clearly a ground combat simulator by far. Bohemia has tried to combine the two and they cannot combine very well if the majority of the combatents are not able to get to the battlefield in a timely manor. There are boring aspects of real combat that people dont want to play, one is all the standing around one soldier does before a war takes place that includes getting to the battlefield. With this Arma3 is a great success and also its biggest problem. The game is very boring a majority of the time. Increasing that bordom is part of why I dont think Bohemia understands its users. To truely make this game realistic I dont see any place to take a dump on the real battlefield you see crap everywhere, could it be that making the game too realistic would turn people off? Why hasnt Bohemia learned this with its laggy feel? I think if they reversed the fatique system to zero or very close to it they would get alot more users to at least try to make the long trips across the battlefield. Otherwise like in the past Bohemia will not convert cod or bf users to arma(x). Case in point free weekends that convert next to no new users to paid users. Switching off fatique at least in the mods is already being looked at by moders. Also the sway in the aiming system is one of the major things moders are trying to remove as its not realistic to say the least.

May 10 2016, 8:51 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

It is on the servers I play on (reviving), doesnt matter which server you pick the fps is slow for alot of people ever since they switched from gamespy to steam.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

In the real world we dont carry so much items, but what Bohemia hasnt learned yet is you cannot simulate the real world. In ARMA3 players carry alot to deal with any situation in the real world you loadout for the mission specifics. You work as a team with your fellow soldiers in ARMA3 nobody works together at least in the public servers, if I run out of AT rounds would anyone give me another one doubtfull. Behemia needs to forget about micromanaging the play, and concentrate on the bugs. Like: Why does your pack lose some of its items when you die? This is totally unrealistic, why do some dead players get glitched and cannot be revived unless they are moved? Why does the helocopter glitch out and crash if you eject from the chopper? You cannot eject from a real chopper why is it allowed in ARMA3? Why do the comms barely work on a couple of channels, and not work at all on others? Why does the multiplayer servers lagg so badly even with I7 mega GPU computers, the single player doesnt lagg, I mean fps is way way down. I could go on and on with bugs some of which are hold overs from ARMA2 which agreed is a better game.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

Hey I have come up with a solution. As Bohemia came up with a boot camp to slowly train newbies into the game which of course was needed given the very harsh learning curve. Why cant Bohemia have a PT (physical training) as we say in the military where after successful completion one can run with marathon agility. A sort of increased stamina while those who fail it those out of shape couch potatoes have to run around with their bellies hanging out. Isnt this what Bohemia wanted in the first place to point out how out of shape military personal are? I dont think Bohemia will accept my olive branch as they tend to not listen to any of their users and do whatever they think will suck the fun out of their games. If you want a lesson on how not to make money in computer games examine Bohemia because there is no real fun in Arma3 its more like a job than an adventure.
Small example if Bohemia didnt want us to walk around the battlefield for long distances sometimes up to 30 minutes to cover a sector why would they remove all the civilian vehicles which of course we used in Arma 2 to get around more quickly? Is Bohemia trying to send an anti military message?

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

Well im not so sure you want fully realistic fatique or overally realistic fatique. This is not a fun feature. How does making the game slower and much hardier to move around a better game? Especially with multiplayer, AI never has any restrictions except when they reload, they see through things humans cannot see through. The fatique system puts more distance between COD/B4 users and makes it hard to get friends into the ARMA3 game system as its so alien to them. I guarantee that if Bohemia allowed multiplayer to turn on or off this fatique system it would be off on all servers just like many of the other "features" like head shake. As for reporting many other bugs in one posting the boxes asked me for things I would change so I listed them. Although I have changed my 2nd item from fixing the broken comms to having a seperate volume control for vehicles namely helicopters which is way to loud and makes it impossible to talk to anyone in TS3 while in a chopper. Yes I know you can turn down the overall volume but I still need to talk to people not using TS3 and to hear enemy shots.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

I think we can all agree Bohemia took the fatique too far. Im not sure all of the comments made by users actually play missions that take hours to complete and alot of traversing the map. Typically on servers I play a medic and have to constantly move from one side of the map of operations to another this was done on the run carrying a large medic kit and several first aid pouches plus my small amount of weapons to defend myself. Its not uncommon for me to traverse several KMs under fire, only now I cannot run more than about 100 yards and dogging fire is alot harder now when I can only walk slowly. So like every other medic I dont save people across the map more than 400 meters, its just too hard to get there with any chance of saving other players or saving myself. Ive never liked the head shake/fly swatting/dog poo checking, ive always felt this was not realistic when standing at attention and not neccessary for this game I would rather like to see coding be spent on something more useful. Like a working multichannel coms system for pilots and ground people. My point of stating other bugs was to point out that know about the major flaws in Arma 3 and felt that the fatique system flaws is now the number one flaw in the game.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 added a comment to T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.

Well my whole point about fatique is that it cannot be realistic given the distances of the maps. If the maps where call of duty size then by all means make it hard to carry things around. But we have to move great distances and it takes 10-20 minutes to walk the map before you get into the AO. I know you cannot use 4x in multiplayer as it simply would not work. But there needs to be some way of getting to enemy spots without slow walking. Its very painfull to walk even 1k to get into a chopper, and many a chopper pilot has to fly to each soldier to pick them up just to save on time. Its embarrassing! I truely believe if anyone from Bohemia played the game on any server they would understand the pain right away and fix it. This has to be priority fix #1 even before the messed up communications in multiplayer.

May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3
armauser99 edited Steps To Reproduce on T78085: Fatique is unrealistic.
May 10 2016, 8:42 AM · Arma 3