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User Since
Dec 17 2013, 11:51 AM (588 w, 23 h)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

algorim added a comment to T87630: Instant revive glitch, this is 100% easy to do, it's also a duping method..

Just happened... right after a guy ate 4 m4 shots and one hitted me with his fists and i came back at him. This should have a huge priority, since it will break the PvP mechanics COMPLETLY...

May 10 2016, 3:47 PM · DayZ
algorim added a comment to T86977: Killing a Zombie/Player Body's Disappear..

This happens probably, if a player uses the Exit exploit. If you just exit the game, when you are dead, your body will disappear and you will spawn alive with all your gear, when you join a server again.

May 10 2016, 3:11 PM · DayZ