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- User Since
- Jul 20 2013, 6:57 AM (607 w, 4 d)
Dec 23 2017
I wanted to post a solution here that is working for me, though I don't know how much it will help others. I bought Squad recently and it was working, but it forced windowed mode and when I set the graphics to full screen the game was getting the same failure to start error. I took this as a clue and, under compatibility settings for the game, I checked the DPI scaling and full screen optimization boxes. For some reason, this got the game working for me. They do not open from Steam correctly, but I can finally play again. I hope this helps some of you guys, since it ties in with the forced windowed mode "fix."
Dec 14 2017
Dec 12 2017
I get the same errors.
I'm on Windows 10 build 16299.
I have a GTX 960m and Intel HD graphics 530.
The game essentially crashes while attempting to create a DX11 device with my Nvidia card.
I rolled back my graphics drivers for both cards. With the older Intel driver, the game appropriately chooses to run on my Nvidia graphics card. When I update my Intel drivers, Arma ignores my Nvidia card and runs (at 10 FPS) off my integrated graphics.
I can't roll windows back to a previous version.
I have a friend who also has build 16299 and a GTX 1060 and no integrated graphics, and the game runs fine for him, save some occasional hangs. This leads me to believe the problem is related to dual graphics cards machines, especially Nvidia 900 series and below.
Attached are my logs and a screenshot of the relevant crash info.
@joaovitorpina I can't roll back :/ my update was from some build of Windows 10 to build 16299. I'm not sure why I have such a weird build number, but since my Windows update, Arma update, and subsequent driver updates all took place in the same week I couldn't be sure which update was the cause. I am just gonna have to wait for the Arma update and hope it solves better be playable within the next two weeks, I'll rage at Bohemia's doorstep nonstop if I can't play Arma all winter break.
Dec 3 2017
@joaovitorpina attempted to force window mode, but no luck. Black screen to error. Attached is a screenshot of the relevant bits in the error report. I guess we're all playing the waiting game.
@AnEnglishmanSheIs my DX9 games work just fine as well. I don't have any other DX11 games on my laptop right now for space reasons, and I don't play many other games for time reasons. It really sucks not being able to play the only game I boot into Windows for :/
@joaovitorpina I have not tried that, thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot. I posted my error here because I think it is definitely the same issue, or at the very least the root cause of the problem is the same as the DX11 error. I guess BI and Microsoft have to coordinate their update cycles better, because every time they coincide things go wrong I fear the worst..
Dec 2 2017
Just wanted to weigh in, since I'm having the same problem with a different error.