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- User Since
- Jul 26 2014, 12:59 AM (554 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
Is DayZ Vac protected? HA! No
Its BEC protected.
After a month of waiting for update 0.49 in hope it'll fix it,it didn't do shet!
You are going to do something or i want my FU&*ING MONEY BACK!
Thanks for help ya * still aint workin my god suicide timeeee brum brum
Still not working.
I just hope that 0.49 update will fix it :S
How should i act ?
I'm gonna go crazy soon
Did it,same thing
I do not have anything that can block,either way,i don't have any program on my PC
I want my fkn money back,i didn't buy this game to play it for 500 hours and then be unable to play it for fkn 2 weeks!
Jesus,you need to get some experienced dev,or start fixing the damn problems
1 patch :
Removed 1-2 bugs,adds 10 more.
Soon it will be 3 weeks...
GG dayz dev and bohemia admins.
IT has been 12 days now,...
It has been a week...
After i did this,when i tried to join a server it said
failed to initialize battleye client[something like this]
Then i went to verify integrity of game cache,it said smth about 2 files,i went back to game,joined a server... "SESSION LOST"
You can't say "No problem at all" cause appereantly i do have a problem,and i want it fixed,i didn't donate 25£,i bought the damn game that i want to play now!
Okay...just please,make them fix this ;(
Thank you JStewart!
Anyways,lets take this serious now...
Is there any way you guys can fix this issue? Maybe you contact steam,cause there's nothing i can do...
I tried every server,literaly every,but lets try with this one!
Name is GER/EN Friendly Looting & Roleplay - 2h Restart by SelbstjustiZ
My time zone is GMT +1[serbia,europe]
My in game name is Sir Friendly.
Here is stuff from cmd [ps.i just wrote tracert [just ip,without port]
24 ms 14 ms
13 ms 13 ms
52 ms 21 ms
36 ms 87 ms
51 ms 49 ms
42 ms 57 ms
41 ms 43 ms
I don't know did i do it right,check the picture:
Please help me dude :(
Also let me tell you that my account[steam] is Limited.
May 10 2016
i SOLVED My problem,thanks anyways :D
Hello JStewart
Here you go
I hope that you will help me mate,i'm devastated!
I've got the same problem ;-; if u find a sol. lemme know budd'