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Apr 28 2014, 11:23 AM (567 w, 18 h)

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May 10 2016

ZombieShock added a comment to T97469: Couldn't use bandage after bleeding effect from Zombie.

I found that I have a similar issue with bandages or any real consumable, I did however notice that the items were "badly damaged" but I am unsure if that is why you cant use them.

May 10 2016, 9:40 PM · DayZ
ZombieShock added a comment to T97419: Zombie Attack distances - hits from 10 feet and more.

I noticed when I play with my friends that the dysync is in the thousands and seems to hop from player to player like an infection (no joke intended there :3). Can be game breaking at times (most really) but I know that this is just early server issues and should improve over development.

However, I will bring this up because it could apply very well to this issue. Sometimes I get hit from zombies that are not even visible, I did come to learn the zombies were actually a few feet under the ground leaping at me (noticed head and arms clipping through at random times)

May 10 2016, 9:38 PM · DayZ
ZombieShock added a comment to T97342: Zombies too resilient to body hits from melee weapons.

Ive noticed when attacking zombies, I will hit the zombie around the head and my hit will register somewhere between mid-neck and shoulder. I know other games refer to this as "hitboxes" so I ask this question, Would increasing the size of the hitboxes (if thats even how its done) make zombies more balanced when it comes to hitting them in the head?

Of course I do have to factor in server dysnyc and latency, but even when I am playing in game with stability I notice this.

May 10 2016, 9:35 PM · DayZ
ZombieShock added a comment to T97342: Zombies too resilient to body hits from melee weapons.

You have to be a bit practical here, they are zombies, of course they take tons of damage to the body, they are not living humans. I feel that if the desync and latency issues were improved upon, more players would be able to handle zombies.

Does anyone feel their vision range is too far though?

May 10 2016, 9:35 PM · DayZ