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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 6:51 PM (587 w, 23 h)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Zezura added a comment to T106687: screen flickers when joining server, for more than 10 seconds (not able to defend yourself).
also happens in the main menu, look at this youtube video:
Zezura edited Steps To Reproduce on T106687: screen flickers when joining server, for more than 10 seconds (not able to defend yourself).
Zezura edited Steps To Reproduce on T106686: screen flickers when joining server, for more than 10 seconds (not able to defend yourself).
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Zezura added a comment to T91979: Graphics not appearing on main menu or on joining server..
No its not, I have it disabled and my pc has the same issue..
I have similar ticket:
Zezura added a comment to T90911: Dead bodies disappear before being able to loot..
well it is a serious gameplay breaking issue, because when players die from a gun fight with another player, and the other player who dies uses the respawn button the body in game dissapears with all the loot.
Zezura added a comment to T90617: Please add an in game Blood U.I. counter..
I had a bug today where there were problems with blood regeneration,
It would be nice if I could check if regeneration works or not.
and if it is a problem of the shader or regeneration that is not working.
Zezura edited Steps To Reproduce on T89023: pier is not correctly placed.