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- User Since
- Sep 1 2014, 9:55 PM (548 w, 18 h)
May 10 2016
Guys : I want to play as much a anybody : but don't rush them like this.
Those Guys are probably working 10 hours + a day to solve this.
it's not just some bad command line to remove and "save as", otherwise it would be sorted out by now.
Let them make this right. Otherwise the "fix" will break something else and we will end up having other issues.
Same Issue here, game constantly crashes with various time of gameplay on KOTH servers.
Fault address: 2FC0226B 01:0000126B C:\Users\#####\AppData\Local\Arma 3\BattlEye\BEClient.dll
Same problem here : Massive Desynch with a value @ 0
Everybody is standing still doing nothing and then all suddenly they all move by kilometers...
I often dies with no gunshots or whatever.
My other games have no lag/desync issues so i assume it's only arma 3 related...