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- User Since
- Apr 17 2015, 4:50 PM (516 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Whiteknight added a comment to T85244: Server crashes randomly.
Any news? :-( Hope they will fix it very soon. It is extremely frustrating. We cannot play since some weeks on our dedicated server because the server always crashes during the mission. We have lost some players because of that reason :-(
Whiteknight added a comment to T85244: Server crashes randomly.
Same here. Arma 3 Dedicated Server crashes in version 1.54.133741 after 5 - 30 Minutes. Most time when we using a drone or be in a helicopter.
Whiteknight added a comment to T85108: Numerous server crashes after 1.54 release.
Our dedicated server crashes when we have started a drone (Darter, Heron, Raven etc.) or when we fly some Minutes in a helicopter.
Version: 1.54.133741
Whiteknight added a comment to T81817: Please leave the stance modifier in the controls (along with the new adjust method).
Oh yes, please allow {Middle Mouse Button} + {WASD} or Arrowkeys to change your stances! I can't combine middle mouse button with any other key and this would be very important for me.