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Feb 26 2014, 12:07 AM (575 w, 2 d)

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May 11 2016

Viguy added a comment to T108532: Application Error : The instruction at 0x00000000 referenced memory at 0x00000000.

Same issue here, same version of Dayz. Different hardware. Mine does not happen during gameplay though,(I can play for hours without issue) but consistently when I exit DayZ before I get back to the Steam window.This began on the last update to DayZ for me.

May 11 2016, 4:14 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Viguy added a comment to T95966: entered in a room through bugged wall - and now stuck in a room with no exit (door is not meant to be opened).

Had same issue last night - in building at Airfield North of Vybor - vaulted through wall - stuck in non-room. Could see through walls into proper rooms. Took about 3-4 minutes of running and jumping to get back to the "real" room.

May 10 2016, 8:48 PM · DayZ
Viguy added a comment to T95766: During Gameplay - after any attack (no damage) Vision Blurs - stays Blurred until I go to config and then video - it clears.

Yes Similar to my report 0009347, except mine is every time not sometime. It also happens when I sneak up behind a zombie and kill it without the zombie having a chance to turn and attack. I have checked my health, and actually figured that was the issue at first, but health is good. Played over 6 hours like this before hearing about going into the Video Config to clear it. It's not a big deal just an annoyance.

May 10 2016, 8:42 PM · DayZ
Viguy edited Steps To Reproduce on T95766: During Gameplay - after any attack (no damage) Vision Blurs - stays Blurred until I go to config and then video - it clears.
May 10 2016, 8:42 PM · DayZ
Viguy added a comment to T94955: blur effects after zombie attack.

Yes Similar to my report 0009347, except mine is every time not sometime. It also happens when I sneak up behind a zombie and kill it without the zombie having a chance to turn and attack. I have checked my health, and actually figured that was the issue at first, but health is good. Played over 6 hours like this before hearing about going into the Video Config to clear it. It's not a big deal just an annoyance.

May 10 2016, 8:13 PM · DayZ