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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 30 2013, 2:18 PM (618 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Vichard added a comment to T80709: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).
+1 AI squad mates have always been a pain in the arse, sick of running across the map only to wait and use time compression until they catch up
Vichard edited Steps To Reproduce on T72059: Sun/Enviroment reflections.
Vichard edited Steps To Reproduce on T71986: Chemlight reflection bug.
Vichard edited Steps To Reproduce on T66681: Breathing underwater.
Vichard added a comment to T66679: Choppers die in water.
Sorry I should have mentioned, if you auto hover and then lower yourself to the water as your skids hit the water your engine goes to red
^ this guy gets it
Vichard edited Steps To Reproduce on T66679: Choppers die in water.
Vichard edited Steps To Reproduce on T64840: Upside down Helicopter flying.
Vichard added a comment to T64209: Alt-tab at night causes stange colours.
Same for me ATI 7850
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Vichard added a comment to T62287: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).
+1 AI squad mates have always been a pain in the arse, sick of running across the map only to wait and use time compression until they catch up