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- User Since
- Aug 17 2015, 4:27 PM (499 w, 3 d)
Nov 20 2016
Nov 20 2016
VVarhead added a comment to T120751: .61 exp many chest holsters in one building.
Hello! I noticed that some military buildings / tents will only spawn certain things.
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
VVarhead edited Steps To Reproduce on T113762: Can't drop lighted chemlights or flares.
VVarhead added a comment to T113644: Persistence Bugged.
Can confirm persistence is bugged, barrels and guns disappear.
I dropped a backpack shortly before server restart and it disappeared.
VVarhead set Category to category:items on T113401: Loot not spawning at (military) Vehicle-wrecks.