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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 2:40 PM (584 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Yesterday I took 7 shots at static target who was 8-9 metres away from me. I was kneeling down and using iron sights in first person. I aimed at mass center and took shots with short pauses to let gun level after firing. I missed every single freaking time.
Came here to post a bug and I see that pistol i zeroed at 200m by default. Whow uses 45 at 200m distance? Is this a joke?
IIRC players start after swiming to shore. It makes sense that they are exhausted, will have to drink and eat often or will drop dead. This would also explain why after 30 or 45 minutes characters 'beef up' and don't need food and water so often. After two hours in game I can sprint from town to town, drink once in 30 minutes or so and eat just as often. Nothing need to be changed if we assume 'swimming to shore' orgin story is right.
Leave it as it is. I never died of hunger or thirst. Just drink when you have a chance and steer clear from over looted areas to find cans. Problem solved. Scarity of food adds a lot to the game.
I think you are actualy dead. I got hit with bat and went uncouncious. My mate stopped my bleeding and used epi pens on me. Nothing. My character was moaning and apeard alive but epi pen and waiting 10 minutes did nothing...