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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 1:42 PM (587 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Ultimate edited Steps To Reproduce on T86934: Looting gloves from a dead body colors your arms pale if you are a black guy..
Ultimate edited Steps To Reproduce on T86927: Even when zeds' line of sight is interupted. He can see you and will follow you..
Ultimate set Category to category:characters on T86916: The need to drink is too fast or the drinkable loot is to rare..
Ultimate set Category to category:structures on T86911: Doors that only open from one side..
Ultimate set Category to category:weapons on T86908: Items in quickslots don't swap correctly when crouched and weapon raise activated and stops your movement..
Ultimate added a comment to T86545: You can eat and drink as much as you want but it doesn't seem to reset.
Yeah It always happens to me too... I often die of starvation/thirst rather than bullets or axes...
Almost every player acknowledges this bug... but for some reason developers and moderator cannot "reproduce" this bug...or need "more information"...
You don't even have to "reproduce" and information is plenty when you look at all those post where they talk about it. That is really something that easily can make this alpha a more better version as it enhances gameplay on such a big scale!
EDIT; I want to add that it's maybe not such a bad idea to reactivate the cool "meters" that we know from the mod. They were solid, reactive, pretty realistic on a matter of time.