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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 3:30 AM (585 w, 11 h)
May 10 2016
I'm closing the issue, sorry about the trouble.
Actually I ran Arma 3 smoothly, without this problem... this seems to only happen with DayZ specifically.
I have the same problem, but my Dxdiag file is missing... any idea on where I may find it?
I will try it, if it doesn't work or screw my DayZ up I'll just reinstall it and format my PC, because there seems to be no other solution as my dxdiag doesn't exist.
EDIT: It didn't change anything.
I will create another topic, because my problem is totally different than what I thought...
My problem is another one, and I am creating another topic.
After reinstalling Steam, the DayZ.rar I uploaded was all I could get AppData\Local\DayZ\ after another crash running the game from my games Library.
I've already tried to reproduce the crash for 15 times and no files are created, I guess it's because the game doesn't crash, it just gets minimized and I'm not able to go back to it...
No crash dumps are created when I run through library. It crashes but there are no files created.
I tried running the game through the Steam folders directly and I got the following message, just like you said: Unable to locate running instance of Steam.
The game started and ran normally, then crashed again.
I uploaded both folders, the first one running directly through the folders and the second one running from Games Library on Steam.
No success Komin, I did unninstall every unnecessary program, even my anti-virus, but nothing changed. I reinstalled DayZ and Steam. I still get the crash.
Already did, nope. Here's a list of programs I'm running while testing: Steam (obviously), SteelSeeries USB Soundcard, Logitech Gaming Software, Avast, Eraser and Catalyst Control Center. That's all.
I also tried disabling Eyefinity and using only one monitor screen, but it didn't help.
Running as Admin didn't work out, I'm currently reinstalling Steam and if that doesn't help I may reformat my PC... the time had come anyway, really long since I last did it.
I tried testing it right now but the Wait for host that is happening to everyone is not letting me do so... but I will test as soon as I can! Also, could it be a problem with a program called ASRock exTreme Tuner? It's used for overclocking.
Thanks for all the support so far!
And I can assure you my Windows is okay, it's updated and original, no problem with that most probably.
I just added the correct files komin.
Closing Skype and other programs didn't help...
Could it be a problem with my video card drivers?
I uploaded everything from inside that folder like you said, it's here for checking.
Me too, but I just checked... my card is an 7970, it can easily run DayZ without temperature issues but something is causing this, I run Arma 3 with no issues at maximum graphic settings...
Guys, I don't know for you, but try downloading a program like GPU-Z or something like that and keep an eye out to your GPU temperature...
My video card supports a maximum of 85ºC, and the game crashed when it reached 83ºC... strange, this only happens with DayZ, the rest of games keep the heat around 75ºC.
Additionally I get the message: “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered”, I use AMD, all drivers are updated, and it only happens with DayZ, I already checked the troubleshooting section at AMD Support.
My DayZ started crashing my Skype and Chrome after a Steam complete reinstall, and it also changes my Windows Color Scheme to basic when I launch the game.
I've never been able to play for more than 10 minutes, not even on the experimental servers gthunda told was working.
GREAT! Those guys are really the MOST supportive I have ever seen... seriously... I've never seen people who care so much about bugs and that try so hard to help everyone the quickest way possible... thank you komin and everyone else involved to spend time trying to fix these crashes!
BTW though, I don't know if my game crashes everywhere because I could not leave the area near Kamenka since the release due to the bugs. :S
I just saw some other people saying it started crashing after the update, but other than that it changed nothing I suppose...
Almost the same here, my browsers keep working, but the crash sounds like the same (can only hear the sound and have to kill the game)...
I'm using 2 monitors if that changes anything, and when the game crashes my second screen that has usually Chrome open gets super bright and I have to restart that screen.
Is anyone else using 2 monitors?
Edit: nothing related to the monitors, I disabled one of them and still get the crash...
For me it crashed everywhere, there was no exact place, but it was more frequent when sprinting and running.
It crashed in Kamenka, in the streets (no matter which ones), near the shore, everytime I respawned.
I thought no one besides me had this kind of crash... I'm glad to know I'm not alone, maybe they find a fix soon? Also, all my video cards are updated, just checked. Thank you ritual!
EDIT: I just uploaded it.
I think so, but it's not related to not being able to run the game. The dxdiag is a file that tells what happened, a crash report, and we both can't seem to find it...
We both have a big problem then... they ask for this file in all the issues related to these graphic crashes...
Same here, but there is no DXDIAG file created uppon crash...