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Jun 9 2014, 4:33 AM (562 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

TontonFlingueur added a comment to T98936: 'Eat' or 'drink' menu options disapear for some reason.

Today i played around 3 hours. I tried to 'eat' or 'drink' with an M1911 chambered and aimed, an empty Sporter22 too, and the bug occurs 2 times on 20 or 30, one time with the soda can still on the ground, and one time with it in my inventory. But i think it's mainly because i was not slowy than expected.

For the first time i seen a special message, using a desinfectant spray on a rag :
<< error putting item in your hands >>

I begin to considerate my GPU is not strong enough and i got lags because of that.
Do you VirtuaStig think about something similar ?

My GFX is Nvidia GeForce GT610, which is very small comparing to everyone playing DayZ, isn't it ?

May 10 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
TontonFlingueur added a comment to T98936: 'Eat' or 'drink' menu options disapear for some reason.

EDIT: I just entered the real version number i'm playing.
That's the stable one i presume.

Today i tried something : Take care about manipulating these items very very slow, for exemple i'm waiting 2 sec. after the end of the anim. before doing anything else. I never meet the bug ( while a few hours).

I don't know if i never had a weapon in the hand. I'll try next.

May 10 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
TontonFlingueur edited Additional Information on T98936: 'Eat' or 'drink' menu options disapear for some reason.
May 10 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
TontonFlingueur added a comment to T97395: Unable to Eat, drink, or use anything in inventory..

Still occuring in 0.44123802 as i explained in

May 10 2016, 9:37 PM · DayZ