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Dec 18 2013, 4:05 AM (585 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

Thetrooper added a comment to T87422: Mouse reticle changed.

Thank you for the feedback slasher.

May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87422: Mouse reticle changed.

Not a bug as noted by several others.

May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87422: Mouse reticle changed.

Thank you Janiho for your constructive and oh-so friendly feedback. It's people like you that help build a community of bitter and angry players who have nothing better to do than insult others.

I just signed-up for this feedback site so I did not see the latest update notes.

May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper edited Steps To Reproduce on T87422: Mouse reticle changed.
May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87413: Character froze after pressing F3.

Had this happen to me several times today. Disconnected and reconnected and I could move again.

May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87271: Cursor Bug.

I had the same problem until I changed my desktop display settings. I had to change the size setting from "Larger" (150%) back to the default of "Smaller" (100%). Windows then made me log out and log back in. After doing this and re-launching Dayz the cursor worked normally.

To get to this setting in Windows 7 I right-clicked the Desktop and selected Personalize. I then selected Display. The navigation shows up as Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display.

May 10 2016, 3:31 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.

I just discovered this in the game on my own so I was bummed to see a bug report logged for this "feature". ;)

May 10 2016, 3:21 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87195: Player dies when falling from one floor.

Same here. I jumped down from a ledge -- seemed like I was just over 7 or 8 feet up. I can understand if I broke my leg or got hurt, but definitely did not feel high enough to insta-die.

May 10 2016, 3:20 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T87149: No flashlight+battery on second respawn.

I've encountered this too. Had to exit and come back in to game to resolve it. Also heard someone else say the flashlight will appear automatically after a few minutes.

May 10 2016, 3:18 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T86891: suggestion: split server and player status messages.

Amen. Also give us the option to disable one or both of them. It's annoying every time the message pops-up that player x is using a modified file. It's not something I need to know so it would be useful to surpress this type of message.

May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
Thetrooper added a comment to T86490: Items disappearing.

I've encountered this as well. Lost my flashlight this way. Very annoying since it always appears to be nighttime.

May 10 2016, 1:11 PM · DayZ