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- User Since
- Jul 28 2021, 5:44 PM (190 w, 5 d)
Oct 5 2021
Unclear, I've attached the logs here. It has not recurred so I'm not sure this ticket is super useful. I will spend some time today trying to reproduce both on that server and on others.
Oct 4 2021
Sep 22 2021
Sep 7 2021
So I play on Spaggie's servers, which are unfortunately in Europe, and I live in Central America. My normal latency pinging out to those servers tends to be about 130-140 ms, but my connection is obviously susceptible to a lot of possible issues. At any rate, I tend to stick to the high max ping servers, and since 1.13 at least, even that has proven difficult. Last night for instance, I was playing on a server with a 300 max ping limit, and I got kicked off a couple times. I left a ping running to the server in the background (please bear in mind I was running a large download as well, which obviously didn't help), and while I was seeing pings jumping upwards of 220-230 here and there, things were pretty good. After about 10 minutes or so, I did in fact get kicked, and sure enough, there was one (1!) ping > 300 ms. Now obviously ping as a tool has it's limitations, but we can assume it was no more than a couple seconds of ping that high, as pings on either side were < 200. This leads me to believe that the ping filter in DayZ is incredibly oversensitive and reacts on seeing a single event, rather than any kind of smoothing or average ping. Even taking a sampling of 3-5 pings over say 10-30 seconds and averaging those out would probably be a drastic improvement and give some forgiveness (it would also allow you some room to filter for packetloss, though you probably want an increased sample rate).
Jul 28 2021
I'm not sure if it's a helpful note, but especially in cars I've seen this with other items. If I can get them JUST center screen I can often use "hold f to take to hands" to pick them up.