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- User Since
- Oct 23 2014, 8:42 PM (541 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Tanksenior added a comment to T82377: Equipped gun disappears when switching guns with full inventory.
Problem may be related to mods that allow (full-size)weapons to be put into clothing/vests.
Need more research.
Tanksenior edited Steps To Reproduce on T82377: Equipped gun disappears when switching guns with full inventory.
Tanksenior added a comment to T82371: When I start arma through arma 3 Sync its not starting battleye service.
All you have to do is start the game once via the normal arma 3 launcher and accept the new Battleeye eula agreement.
It should not be an issue after that.
Tanksenior added a comment to T82369: Unlimited duplicating backpack with its contents.
Might be related to this issue, I've had multiple guns disappear when dragging them from my weapon slot to my backpack since the patch. Will try to report back with more details after trying to reproduce the bug.