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Dec 27 2013, 11:47 AM (586 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

Starkvix added a comment to T93847: Character Reset every Spawn (Not Saving) - International Servers / Local Servers - Same Database Hive?.

I have same issue. Have tried local (Japan), Hong Kong, SG and Ausie servers. The results are random. Right now I tried to join and I'm on the beach again despite being on that server most of today. Someone please advise on what is going on!!!

May 10 2016, 7:32 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T93715: Character Reset on Every Login (Ver: 114557) (23 Jan).

I have same issue. Have tried local (Japan), Hong Kong, SG and Ausie servers. The results are random. Right now I tried to join and I'm on the beach again despite being on that server most of today. Someone please advise on what is going on!!!

May 10 2016, 7:28 PM · DayZ
Starkvix set Category to category:other on T92091: Blurred screen on log in is going to get me killed!!!.
May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T92076: Starting at beach without dying.

I see a lot of mention of "server hopping" deleting character but that was not what I was doing. I was in game for some time with some friends. I then logged out. Logging in was impossible on the same sever as it was full so I changed to a Singapore server and char was reset. As said, I played again for quite a while and logged out to get some dinner. On logging in my char was reset again. Very annoying bug!!!

May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Starkvix set Category to category:other on T92076: Starting at beach without dying.
May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T92016: Character doesn't die but I respawn with out any gears..

Not everyone is server hopping! Check my post ID 0005653

May 10 2016, 6:26 PM · DayZ
Starkvix set Category to category:settings on T90658: Blurred screen on log in.
May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T89841: Log in to blurry screen, go to the video settings menu and without changing any selection the blurriness goes away.

dev0, thanks, going to experiment now. Sat on the hillside overlooking Koslovka with three bags of rice, four cans of beans a four canteens. But, as I recollect I had a blurred screen when I spawned ... I might be wrong. As said, checking advise on video

May 10 2016, 5:12 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T89841: Log in to blurry screen, go to the video settings menu and without changing any selection the blurriness goes away.

dev0: The comments posted here are not exactly easy to filter, it would take you six months to read through them all. This is a bug and it is serious because it takes seconds to reset whilst you're in the open, a target for anyone.

May 10 2016, 5:12 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T89841: Log in to blurry screen, go to the video settings menu and without changing any selection the blurriness goes away.

I posted about this twice, 0005668 and another time before. It's very frustrating not getting an answer to this. I've been playing for three weeks now and have to reset my setting every login.

May 10 2016, 5:12 PM · DayZ
Starkvix added a comment to T89841: Log in to blurry screen, go to the video settings menu and without changing any selection the blurriness goes away.

This issue is sorted! Food and Drink all the way will stop this problem. The video settings is not the answer. You will still die! Keep eating and drinking on your runs.

May 10 2016, 5:12 PM · DayZ