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Dec 24 2013, 9:41 PM (586 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

Siruss added a comment to T92081: Occasionally flying (sideways?) out of buildings.

I had this (both) things happen to me today. I was on the 2nd floor of one of those homes that has the static 3 pair of shoes by the door. I was headed to the other side, when I suddenly started clipping into the wall and was spat outside, landing on the ground to death. After about a 7 sec WTF moment with my 2 friends, I logged out. They were looking for my corpse and found it after about 2 minutes. I logged back in and they said, OH CRAP there's 2 of u now! I yelled HOXTON BLOOD! for lulz. I was alive, with all my gear in the exact spot I hit the ground, and my corpse was there too with unintentionally duped gear.

Later in the night we were around the NW airfield. I was on the 2nd floor of the fire house, scouting because not long ago there was a bandit. I noticed my screen was awfully grey. So I went down the steps where my other 2 friends were standing. We started the process of an IV/Blood transfusion, when all of a sudden it just said "you are dead". No bleeding, no infection. All I came across was there is a bug whenever someone else performs an action on you. We had made blood bags and done blood tests. I was only hit by a zombie 2 hours earlier and had scores of food, water, anti, and vitamins along the way.

May 10 2016, 6:28 PM · DayZ
Siruss added a comment to T91546: FNX45 mag ruined while in hands because pants "containing" the weapon was hit by M4 bullet in firefight..

All I can contribute to this, is that upon shooting someone.. I have yet to find anything what-so-ever, in any container, any weapon, any attachment that wasn't ruined upon being shot 2-3 times.

May 10 2016, 6:10 PM · DayZ
Siruss added a comment to T91452: People are thirsty and/or starve way too easily.

No idea what this guy is spamming. But I agree and no, eating past the bar is not necessarily an option. I have started fresh spawn and been thirsty right away. That's a problem since it may be 10-20 min before I even make it to anything, or find a drink or 2.

May 10 2016, 6:07 PM · DayZ
Siruss edited Steps To Reproduce on T91022: Strange death.
May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ