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- User Since
- Mar 26 2014, 8:04 AM (571 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Sirswagins set Category to category:general on T96627: Rocket says no to Random Events.
Sirswagins added a comment to T96602: The new zombie in 0.43 update.
yea man, I liked it a lot better with the zombies from the start. the new zombies are just ridiculous. makes the game more frustrating then fun....
Sirswagins added a comment to T95930: New Police Station rooftop edging launches character forward..
happened to me to. I was walking on the top and heard a player below so I walked close to the edge but still had more then enough room for me not to fall and sure enough I was catapulted off.
Sirswagins added a comment to T95154: machete should make more damage to zombies.
I agree, when the machete first came into the game I was so hype. but when I got it, it was no different from hitting a zombie with a wrench. I was so let down. I think that the machete should be a 2 swing kill to zombies.