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User Since
Feb 3 2014, 1:57 PM (580 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

SimRacer7 added a comment to T105553: Game Crashes When Zombies Die [Experimental .51].

no crash for me on this topic since the new Exp.-Version.

May 11 2016, 2:25 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

SimRacer7 added a comment to T95187: my Router crashed when i open the serverbrowser.

Yes, the Serverbrowser makes to much requests:

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T94553: Zombie successfully attacked thought two stores of the building..

Happend to me in Svetlojarsk, too. I was in the 1st floor. Couldn´t see the Zombie but i heard him. During the Zombie atack it sounds like a shot. A second player went down and saw it was realy the Zombie.

May 10 2016, 7:58 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T91247: Exploded gas pumps explode on connect..

I saw the fuel station explode and nobody was there, who caused the damage. I was wondering, what happend, but this explains a lot :) I found 2 reports with the same issue: (the same issue above is described)

May 10 2016, 6:00 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Very Good, the problem is now acknowledged:

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Thats right. That problem have not all.
But this who have that problem are not happy about that, and that problem have realy to be fixed.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Thanks for the tip, but it looks like this is another problem you mention.

If you read the comments above, you see, that the whole internet traffic does not work for a couple of minutes or gone complete, because of the huge udp-requests that cause the router for some to stop working. In my case the internetprovider block the traffic for a few minutes because of the big count of UDP-Requests, i think. This means other people in the Network can´t open any website for a couple of minutes! :(

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
SimRacer7 added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

I can confirm this problem.
We have the problem, that we have a Cable-Internet Provider (KabelBW Germany) which provides us only IPv6 and a IPv4 DS-Lite Tunnel. The Fritzbox 6360 what we have could easy take this big flood of UDP-Packets but the Provider did NAT for us, too (IPv6 -> IPv4 translation). It takes only a few hundret connections and the IPv4 Internetconnection in our Home-Network is down. (IPv6 works - our Provider did not need to NAT this). I start the program Wireshark and i became the message (when the problem occurs) for the UDP-Requests: "Destination unreachable - Communication administratively filtered". And the IP from the message was from our Provider, not from our Router. After a few minutes all is ok.

We have 3 guys in our Home-Network with this game :). If only one start the Game and open the Serverlist our Internet is gone for a few minutes. I have start to block a range of UDP-ports in our Router to lower the requests but it works only temporarily. After a refresh or two, the problem is again here.

Please look onto this problem. I did´n know what cause so much open Ports in the NAT-Table. If this is a problem of "half-open" UDP request or only to much requests generally?


May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ