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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 1:17 AM (587 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
ShortyKapone set Category to category:other on T88232: stuck into the ground.
ShortyKapone added a comment to T87472: More worthless but life saving stuff.
good idea! and it would be nice if you could throw the rocks right into the fucking face of a zombie or a bastard bandit enemy player!!! :D
ShortyKapone added a comment to T87460: Jumped off dock, fell to ocean floor, broke legs, drowned..
hahaha loser!! :D
ShortyKapone edited Steps To Reproduce on T87403: save my character creation.
ShortyKapone edited Steps To Reproduce on T87381: holding axe like a wimp.
ShortyKapone edited Steps To Reproduce on T87369: can't aim at items when i want to pick them up.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:items on T87359: hit with the flashlight.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:featurerequest on T87354: setting traps.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:animations on T87353: hit zombies without any reaction.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:animations on T87344: walking while you're eating.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:movement on T87343: run and walk more fluid.
ShortyKapone set Category to category:general on T87339: getting unconscious without animation.
ShortyKapone added a comment to T87314: Night Time Too Bright.
I think the night time is too dark. Nobody would turn up gamma, when the night would be brighter with the standart options. It would be the same for everyone.
By the way maybe you can put more color into the night, because sometimes I only see black and white and that's exaggerated...
The moon could light up some places that are not covered with trees or something...
ShortyKapone added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..
yes I get lags as well! and it starts to stutter...
I hope you can fix it!